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Supported Accommodation Service in Swindon to Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board



This notice is placed as a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to seek expressions of interest in being considered as the most suitable provider for the delivery of a 10 bedded Supported Accommodation Service in Swindon for adults with support needs related to their mental health. It should be noted that the incumbent provider is providing a good service, and it is deemed that they would be the most suitable provider to continue to provide these services for 12 months whilst BSW review the commissioning pathway and subsequent options. Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board ("BSW") is seeking to secure a provider who has the capability and capacity to deliver a 10 bedded supported accommodation provision in Swindon, in line with the specified requirements. The service will provide 24-hour support and supervision for service users accepted as being suitable for non-nursing based input, including accommodation in a homely environment. The input will be of a recovery based approach with the aspects of choice, self-determination, personalisation and social inclusion as the paramount philosophies and outputs. The service is provided for ages 18 year+ Mental health Care coordination is provided by secondary mental health services and/or the Local Authority, with proactive collaboration by both providers being essential to achieving the service objectives and assist service users to move along the recovery pathway. There is no time threshold for residing at the provision. The lease for the premises the service is currently delivered from is not transferable, therefore, a suitable 10 bed operational facility is required within the local area. The service is required to be CQC Registered. TUPE will apply. The contract is expected to commence 1st April 2025 until 31st March 2026. The anticipated total contract value is £356,340. This exercise is being carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioner. Lot 1: This notice is placed as a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to seek expressions of interest in being considered as the most suitable provider for the delivery of a Supported Accommodation Service in Swindon. It should be noted that the incumbent provider is providing a good service as per their CQC inspection, and it is deemed that they would be the most suitable provider to continue to provide these services for 12 months until whilst BSW review the commissioning pathway and subsequent options. The service is responsible for providing 10 bedded accommodation in a residential area which offers 24-hour support and supervision for service users accepted as being suitable for non-nursing based input, in a homely environment. The input is a recovery-based approach with the aspects of choice, self-determination, personalisation and social inclusion as the paramount philosophies and outputs. The service is provided for ages 18 years+. The service must be CQC registered and is required to have appropriately trained workforce. Using a collaborative, recovery focused, multidisciplinary approach this service will: • Provide 24-hour support and supervision for service users who do not require frequent or regular qualified nursing-based input, in accommodation with a homely environment. • The input will be of a recovery-based approach with the aspects of choice, self-determination, personalisation and social inclusion as the paramount philosophies and outputs. • Mental health Care Coordination will be provided by secondary mental health services, with proactive collaboration by both providers essential to achieving the service objectives and assist clients to move along the pathway. • Timely stepping up and down through the pathway as needed to ensure changes in presentation are identified and managed to prevent distress to the individual, management of risk and reduction in the chance of placement breakdown. • Provide support access to local networks i.e. community and social services to help re-establish previous social contacts or make new support networks within the neighbourhood. • Provide some support with management of personal care but will not undertake it directly for the service user. • Delivering independence through the provision of secure, stable and flexible environments which enable greater independent living whilst simultaneously providing bespoke support packages. • To maximise recovery to enable transition towards more independent living options. The service will: The service will work with clients to improve their wellbeing and functioning, both within the home and their community by: • Providing a supportive, positive and stable environment. • Providing person centred support plans that will identify strengths, maximise opportunity, encourage aspiration, support self-management and enable recovery through agreed goals and pathway. • Working in partnership with all agencies to enable holistic needs to be met and collaboratively identifying and managing changes in functioning or mental state. • Enabling clients to live a normal life as far as possible, be safe and feel secure. • Enabling and encouraging clients to be included in the local community and activities. • Enabling access to appropriate up to date information, advice and support to meet needs. • Supporting and encouraging clients to access appropriate physical healthcare. • Supporting clients to access smoking cessation services. • Positively supporting clients to encourage smoking cessation and management within the home. • Supporting clients with treatment regimes, including medication and safe storage. • Supporting clients to maintain their immediate environment. • Providing services built around the needs of each individual, acknowledging their carer(s) and families. • Promoting and enabling recovery, well-being and social inclusion. • Enabling clients to be free from stigma or discrimination. • Demonstrating quality in practice and in the experience of people using services. • Evidence positive outcomes for people who use the service. • Evidence feedback and learning from clients, their families and friends, staff and also from incidents to continually provide service improvements. • Promoting positivity and innovation in the workforce. The service is required to work closely, proactively and, where possible, collaboratively, to ensure that the client is placed at the centre of services that wrap around. The provider should work to maintain positive relationships with other service providers along mental and physical health pathways and have the same expectation of those services. • The geography covered is Swindon. A suitable 10 bed operational facility is required within the local area, with good transport links to enable easy access for service users - either on foot or by their own transport • Must meet all quality and safety requirements. TUPE will apply. The contract is expected to commence 1st April 2025 until 31st March 2026. The anticipated total contract value is £356,340. Providers wishing to express an interest must do so within the e-procurement system where providers will be given access to a questionnaire which must be submitted to complete their expression of interest. Expressions of interest must be submitted no later than 12 noon, 14th March 2025 via the e-procurement portal. This exercise is being carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioner.


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12 days ago

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NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board

Donna Harrington

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