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All-Age Live-in Care, All-Age Complex Care and CYP Trusted Assessor Framework for NHS Devon Integrated Care Board (ICB)



1) This notice is placed as a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to inform the market of NHS Devon Integrated Care Board's (Devon ICB's) (the Commissioner's) a number of framework lots for the provision of the services outlined in section 2. The Commissioner would like to understand the level of provider interest in delivering these services. 2) NHS Devon Integrated Care Board (Devon ICB) (the Commissioner) is seeking to secure suitable providers who have the capability and capacity to deliver the following services against the framework for: • Live In Care at Home - All-Age • Complex Care - All-Age • Spot Therapy and Clinical Psychology Provision (SEND) - Children and Young People (CYP) In line with the draft specified requirements. 3) The geography covered is that of NHS Devon ICB. 3 lots are proposed to be commissioned; however this remains indicative and subject to change. 4) The duration of each framework lot will be confirmed ahead of the formal invitation to tender (ITT) being issued but will likely to be from 1st December 2025 for a maximum of 4 years. 5) The combined maximum value framework lots will be confirmed ahead of the formal invitation to tender (ITT) being issued. It is currently predicted to be: • Live-in Care - £689,306 • Complex Care - £14,022,960 • Trusted Assessor - no current spend identified The above pricing is based on the current services spend annually. Formal lot spend will be confirmed ahead of the invitation to tender (ITT) being issued and addressed at the planned Market Engagement Event (MEE). This exercise is being carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioner. Lot 1: Live In Care at Home - All-Age Live-in Care Services NHS Devon is responsible for the direct contracting of services for those individuals eligible for health funding to meet an assessed health and social care need. This includes services for those individuals who are in receipt of Continuing Healthcare funding, s.117 aftercare arrangements and a range of other local funding streams to support rehabilitation, provide specialist support and interventions, intermediate care, step down services and discharge to assess provision in the person's own home, over a 24-hour period. Commissioners offer a range of service delivery models to enable individuals to be supported to remain within their own homes and maintain independence. Lot 2: Complex Care - All-Age Complex Care Services - Adults NHS Devon is responsible for the direct contracting of services for those individuals eligible for health funding to support an assessed health and social care need. This includes services for those individuals who are in receipt of Continuing Healthcare funding, s.117 aftercare arrangements and a range of other local funding streams to support rehabilitation, provide specialist support and interventions, intermediate care, step down services and discharge to assess provision. Commissioners offer a range of service delivery models to enable individuals with complex health care needs to be supported to remain within their own homes and maintain independence. The Commissioner is seeking providers to deliver high quality personal care to individuals with complex health care needs. These individuals require a registered nurse to undertake a clinical lead role and provide clinical oversight and management of the package of support. This may include the direct provision of registered nursing staff to deliver care, or care delivered by highly competent non-registered health care staff. Complex Care Services - Children and young people NHS Devon is responsible for the direct contracting of services for children and young people (0-18-years) eligible for health funding to support assessed health and eligible social care need. This includes support for those individuals who are in receipt of Children's Continuing care funding, s.117 aftercare arrangements, rapid response to end of life care, and a range of other local funding streams to enable rehabilitation, specialist support and interventions, intermediate care, and step-down services as well as on an exceptional basis (e.g. Recommendations from an NHS health professional where needs cannot be met by universally commissioned service) and are considered on an individual basis. To enable children and young people to receive person-centred care whilst living at home, the Commissioner is seeking providers to deliver high quality personal care to support the child, family, and carers. These children and young people with complex health care needs require a paediatric nurse, or registered nurse with relevant up to date paediatric experience to undertake a clinical lead role and provide clinical oversight and management of the package of support, with the care delivered by highly competent non-registered health care staff but may require the direct provision of registered nursing staff to deliver care. Lot 3: Spot Therapy and Clinical Psychology Provision (SEND) - Children and Young People (CYP) Approved/ Trusted Provider List for Spot Therapy and Clinical Psychology Provision (SEND) NHS Devon is seeking services to support eligible children and young people with therapy needs through assessment and/or delivery of Occupational Therapy (OT), Physiotherapy (PT) and / or Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT), Clinical Psychology as identified in: - a Request for an Education, Health & Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA); - an Education, Health & Care Plan. - an application for an extended SEND Tribunal. For clarity, there is no guarantee that all children identified in the target group will require the Service.


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5 days ago

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NHS Devon Integrated Care Board

Samantha Phillips

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