Oak Multi Academy Trust tenders and contracts
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Decision makers at Oak Multi Academy Trust
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Chief Officer
C-level & Execs
Director of School & People Development
Redacted nameHR & Training, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Chief Finance Officer & Operating Officer
Redacted nameFinance, HR & Training, IT & Digital, Legal & Compliance, Marketing, Communications & Sales, Operationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891
Top suppliers to Oak Multi Academy Trust
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Supplier name | SME? | Number of awards | View awards |
Sync | Unknown | 1 | View awards |
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Buyers with similar tenders
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- Hackney New School
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- Bay House School
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- Hounsdown School
- John Scurr Primary School
- Brampton Village Primary School
- Coopers School
- Methodist College Belfast
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More potential buyers
- Halton Borough Council
- Highways England
- Westward Housing Group
- Department of Health
- Central Housing Investment Consortium Limited ("CHIC")
- The Start-Up Loans Company Ltd
- Stowmarket Town Council
- Turner and Townsend
- The Cottesloe School
- The Midland Academies Trust (North Warwickshire and Hinckley College)
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Explore sources Oak Multi Academy Trust publishes to
Stotles aggregates data from every government procurement data source into one platform. Explore the sources Oak Multi Academy Trust and thousands more publish contracts to below.