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Breathing Space Service to Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board



This notice is placed as a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to seek expressions of interest to be considered as the most suitable provider for the delivery of a Mental Health Place of Calm Service in Bath and North East Somerset (BaNES) for NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW) Integrated Care Board (ICB) It should be noted that the incumbent provider is providing a good service through a subcontracted arrangement, and it is deemed that they would be the most suitable provider to continue to provide these services for 12 months whilst BSW review the commissioning pathway and subsequent options. Furthermore, the current provider is a local BaNES provider with direct, recent, relevant experience in serving the needs of the local BaNEs (and BSW) population. This service is aligned to the NHS Long-term plan specification for provision of community based, accessible alternative crisis support. The aim of our Places of Calm across BSW are for them to operate as a space for individuals who are suffering from mental health issues or emotional distress to be able to visit and receive immediate support. The service is aimed at anyone who is at risk of a mental health crisis or who is struggling to manage their mental wellbeing and would benefit from professional support. The geography covered is BSW. Operation within the dedicated estate/facility in BaNES is required and essential; this allows for ease of access, and equity of provision situation across BSW (other places of calm commissioned separately in Wiltshire and Swindon). It is likely that TUPE will apply. The contract will commence 1st April 2025 until 31st March 2026. The anticipated total contract value is £211,697 excluding VAT. This exercise is being carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioner. Lot 1: This notice is placed as a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to seek expressions of interest to be considered as the most suitable provider for the delivery of a Mental Health Place of Calm Service. It should be noted that the incumbent provider is providing a good service through a subcontracted arrangement, and it is deemed that they would be the most suitable provider to continue to provide these services for 12 months whilst the ICB review the commissioning pathway and subsequent options. Furthermore, the current provider is a local BaNES provider with direct, recent, relevant experience in serving the needs of the local BaNES (and BSW) population. The Places of Calm will operate for a minimum of 7 hours per day. This will include core hours between 6pm - 10pm every day, including weekends. It will provide an accessible, community-based service offering practical and social support to promote wellbeing and recovery from mental health problems. The provider will work with local agencies (Police, South Western Ambulance NHS Foundation Trust, local Emergency Departments (ED) and Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust (AWP) as the secondary mental health provider) to consider how non-core hours will be deployed according to population need and time of week. The service will operate as a drop-in for self-referrals. Professionals will be able to advise people to present themselves to the Place of Calm within the hours of operation. The Provider will be expected to supply opening hours to NHS111 teams, AWP teams, primary care and any other stakeholders (e.g. Council teams). It will be the responsibility of the provider to maintain this information and to publicise it on their websites. Places of Calm are spaces where there is someone to talk to without fear of being detained and medicated. They will take a simple, common-sense approach to mental distress, which prioritises the value of human relationships, the power of listening and the need for a non-stigmatising, friendly environment. It will aim to support people to remain in the community. The focus of these services will be on preventing a person's mental health from deteriorating, on de-escalating and preventing crises, and avoiding the need for people to present to hospitals, ED or other specialist services. A preventative approach will be taken to prevent those with poor mental health and wellbeing becoming progressively worse. The need to reduce health, wellbeing and social inequalities is paramount and we recognise that early intervention can reduce risk. Key features of the Place of Calm: • Offering a service to adults 16+; • Prevention of the requirement of specialist or emergency services, supporting people to remain within the community; • Practical and emotional support on a 1:1 or group basis whether face to face, online or telephone and may be used as an alternative to admission to statutory services; • An agreed plan will be developed which will link to any existing plan, establishing a package of ongoing support and engagement with other services where relevant; with support conversations' taking a goal based outcome approach, enabled by shared records and information where clinically appropriate and within recognized governance standards and frameworks • Will work collaboratively with other providers of support across B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire • Receive referrals from individuals, Police, South Western Ambulance Service through the commissioned mental health control room team, 111-2, AWP and other third sector providers; supporting the Right Care Right Person agenda as defined by national guidance • Daily referrals will be managed by the team via email/phone; • The team will liaise with AWP staff and the Mental Health teams to ensure correct and timely information is received: - To avoid person telling their story more than once - To ensure accurate information on person presenting - To ensure progression planning is captured - To ensure there is appropriate follow up - To use shared records founded on the principle of goal based outcomes as part of the Dialog+ approach The provider(s) will be expected to participate in wider urgent care and urgent mental health transformation programmes as these are further developed to deliver the BSW Model of Care. The service is for residents, or people who are registered with a GP, within BSW, who are experiencing the effects of serious mental illness. It is likely that TUPE will apply. The contract will commence 1st April 2025 until 31st March 2026. The anticipated total contract value is £211,697 excluding VAT. Providers wishing to express an interest must do so within the e-procurement system where providers will be given access to a questionnaire which must be submitted to complete their expression of interest. Expressions of interest must be submitted no later than 4pm, 12th February 2025 via the e-procurement portal. This exercise is being carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioner.


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