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Care Co-ordination Service to Bath, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board



This notice is placed as a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to seek expressions of interest in being considered as the most suitable provider for the delivery of Care Co-ordination Service. Bath, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board ("BSW") is seeking to secure a Prime Provider who has the capability and capacity to deliver Care Co-ordination services, in line with the specified requirements. The Care Co-ordination Service is tasked with providing decision making expertise and onward referral for patients who require urgent care which can be delivered outside of an Emergency Department. This includes: • Collaborative peer to peer decision making; • Onward referral to community services, virtual wards and social care providers as required. The Care Co-ordination service will work alongside South West Ambulance Service Foundation Trust ("SWASFT") paramedics to avoid attendance to ED or admission to hospital where non time critical care can be delivered to ensure patients health and care needs are met in a timely manner. The service provider is expected to adapt and flex operating hours and workforce model during to the contract to meet demand in a timely manner to ensure safe care delivered and system flow of response and treatment is maintained. The roles/skillset required to support delivery of this service are from practitioners with advanced assessment and decision-making skills utilised in a remote assessment setting using appropriate clinical and technological tools as required to complete a comprehensive assessment and develop a plan of treatment with SWASFT colleagues and other HCPs. For delivery of the Care Co-ordination model to be successful the service needs to be aligned with local services and networks to deliver urgent and emergency care at the point of need. The back-office functions, timely response and the workforce requirements of remote clinical assessment, senior decision making and expertise in urgent care. The geography covered is within the boundaries of Bath, Swindon & Wiltshire with a hub facility, (service provider), which will link with locality hubs, (spokes), in the Bath, Swindon & Wiltshire localities. The contract will commence 1st August 2024 until 31st March 2025. The anticipated total contract value is £950,000. This exercise is being carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioner. Lot 1: This notice is placed as a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to seek expressions of interest in being considered as the most suitable provider for the delivery of Care Co-ordination Service. It should be noted that the incumbent provider is providing a good service, and it is deemed that they would be the most suitable provider to continue to provide these services for 8 months until it is subsumed into the wider Adults and Childrens Community Services that are currently being procured with a contract commencement date of 1st April 2025. Bath Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board ("BSW") is seeking to secure a Prime Provider who has the capability and capacity to deliver Care Co-ordination services, in line with the specified requirements. The Care Co-ordination Service is tasked with providing decision making expertise and onward referral for patients who require urgent care which can be delivered outside of an Emergency Department. This includes: • Collaborative peer to peer decision making; • Onward referral to community services, virtual wards and social care providers as required. Care Co-ordination will work alongside South West Ambulance Service Foundation Trust ("SWASFT") paramedics to avoid attendance to ED or admission to hospital where non time critical care can be delivered to ensure patients health and care needs are met in a timely manner. The service provider is expected to adapt and flex operating hours and workforce model during to the contract to meet demand in a timely manner to ensure safe care delivered and system flow of response and treatment is maintained. The roles/skillset required to support delivery of this service are from practitioners with advanced assessment and decision-making skills utilised in a remote assessment setting using appropriate clinical and technological tools as required to complete a comprehensive assessment and develop a plan of treatment with SWASFT colleagues and other HCPs. For delivery of the Care Co-ordination model to be successful the service needs to be aligned with local services and networks to deliver urgent and emergency care at the point of need. The back-office functions, timely response and the workforce requirements of remote clinical assessment, senior decision making and expertise in urgent care. The CCH will provide the following 3 discrete but complementary functions: • On Scene Support, referrals and call before convey line for ambulance crews. • Receiving referrals of category 3/4/5 calls from SWASFT. • Receiving referrals of calls from SWASFT which were originally Category 2 incidents but have received a full Manchester Triage and been downgraded to a lower Category of call by EOC Clinicians. The aim of Care Co-ordination is to: • Reduce avoidable admissions to Emergency Departments through reduction in ambulance conveyance by redirection of patients supported by a single point of access where appropriate. • Reduce avoidable non-elective admissions • Reduce ambulance conveyances as a by-product of reducing ED attendances. • Improve people's quality of life. • Provide high quality and personalised interventions. • Promote self-care and health and well-being of people. • Minimise inappropriate use of resources. • Enable people to have a positive experience of the service. The geography covered is within the boundaries of Bath, Swindon & Wiltshire with a hub facility, (service provider), which will link with locality hubs, (spokes), in the Bath, Swindon & Wiltshire localities. The contract will commence 1st August 2024 until 31st March 2025. The anticipated total contract value is £950,000. Providers wishing to express an interest must do so within the e-procurement system where providers will be given access to a questionnaire which must be submitted to complete their expression of interest. Expressions of interest must be submitted no later than 5pm, 25th June 2024 via the e-procurement portal. This exercise is being carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioner.


Publish date

9 months ago

Buyer information

NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board

Donna Harrington

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