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Memory Assessment Service in BaNES to Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board



This notice is placed as a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to seek expressions of interest to be considered as the most suitable provider for the delivery of a Memory Assessment Service in Bath and North East Somerset (BaNES). Memory assessment is the specialism of dementia assessment and post-diagnostic treatment initiation for patients with dementia. NHS Bath and North East Somerset (BaNES), Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board ("BSW") is seeking to secure a prime provider who has the capability and capacity to deliver Memory Assessment Services, in line with the specified requirements in the long description. Using a collaborative, recovery focused, multidisciplinary approach this service will: • Increase access to the memory service • Assess, diagnose, provide interventions, advice and support to people with dementia and their carers • Allow people more informed choice about care alternatives • Play an active role in the development of self-management tools for people with dementia and their carers • Reduce inequalities in health provision by offering a service to people who are currently hidden and marginalised groups • Promote interdependence and increase social inclusion • Promote dignity in care • To ensure a positive impact on the health of carers • Reduce or delay admissions to residential care • Provide advice and support to all agencies involved in dementia care • Work with local colleagues to raise awareness of people with a learning disability developing dementia and the early signs of this occurring • Work with local colleagues to ensure that people with a learning disability and a possible diagnosis of dementia receive their assessment from the most suitable team which may include a joint assessment with other services • Involve service users and carers in service planning and delivery The geography covered is BaNES. A suitable operational facility is required within the local area, which allows for patient appointments and treatment sessions to be appropriately completed. It is likely that TUPE will apply. The contract will commence 1st April 2025 until 31st March 2026. The anticipated total contract value is £268,000. This exercise is being carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioner. Lot 1: This notice is placed as a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to seek expressions of interest in being considered as the most suitable provider for the delivery of Memory Assessment Service. It should be noted that the incumbent provider is providing a good service, and it is deemed that they would be the most suitable provider to continue to provide these services for 12 months until whilst BSW review the commissioning pathway and subsequent options. Furthermore, the current provider operates an integrated delivery model as a leading international research centre it offers advancing treatments to those accessing the services which are unable to be matched by standard memory assessment service providers. The Memory Assessment Service is responsible for detection of a dementia at the earliest opportunity; through the undertaking of NICE (NG97) compliant assessment, diagnosis and treatments for dementia by implementing a model of care, informed by close partnerships with other agencies, which meets the need of known and hidden people with dementia and the predicted future demand. In upholding delivery of a NICE compliant model of care regarding assessment and treatment the service is required to have appropriately qualified clinical workforce. The service holds responsibility for delivery of the dementia diagnosis rate in the BaNES area. Using a collaborative, recovery focused, multidisciplinary approach this service will: • Increase access to the memory service • Assess, diagnose, provide interventions, advice and support to people with dementia and their carers • Allow people more informed choice about care alternatives • Play an active role in the development of self-management tools for people with dementia and their carers • Reduce inequalities in health provision by offering a service to people who are currently hidden and marginalised groups • Promote interdependence and increase social inclusion • Promote dignity in care • To ensure a positive impact on the health of carers • Reduce or delay admissions to residential care • Provide advice and support to all agencies involved in dementia care • Work with local colleagues to raise awareness of people with a learning disability developing dementia and the early signs of this occurring • Work with local colleagues to ensure that people with a learning disability and a possible diagnosis of dementia receive their assessment from the most suitable team which may include a joint assessment with other services • Involve service users and carers in service planning and delivery The service will: • Assess, treat and review B&NES patients, most of whom will be aged over 65, with memory related problems and dementia • Make a diagnosis and assess whether the patient is suitable for treatment with appropriate drug therapy where indicated • Provide a range of information to people using the service about their condition • Deliver pre and post diagnostic advice/support/counselling where required in conjunction with our partners • Provide and signpost people and their carers to information and support services within the local community • Work in partnership with other local service providers to improve access and provide appropriate support for people with a cognitive impairment • Promote and maintain the independence, including mobility, of people with dementia • Monitor the benefits of any drug therapy in association with the patient's GP • Liaise appropriately with the Primary Care Liaison and/or Complex Intervention and Treatment Team (CITT); part of the local mental health offer. • Take part in or deliver independently training and information to improve public and professional awareness, understanding and knowledge of dementia across B&NES • Support high quality care for people with dementia and their Carers. The geography covered is BaNES. A suitable operational facility is required within the local area, which allows for patient appointments and treatment sessions to be appropriately completed. It is likely that TUPE will apply. The contract will commence 1st April 2025 until 31st March 2026. The anticipated total contract value is £268,000. Providers wishing to express an interest must do so within the e-procurement system where providers will be given access to a questionnaire which must be submitted to complete their expression of interest. Expressions of interest must be submitted no later than 5pm, 16th December 2024 via the e-procurement portal. This exercise is being carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioner.


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3 months ago

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