Adults Community Services and / or Children's Community Services to NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board
NHS Bath & North East Somerset, Swindon & Wiltshire Integrated Care Board ("BSW ICB"); Bath and North East Somerset Council; Swindon Borough Council & Wiltshire Council (the "Local Authorities") are responsible for commissioning Health & Care Services including Public Health Services within their localities. References below to the "Commissioners" are to BSW ICB & the Local Authorities collectively Services are currently purchased from providers including primary care and community & private providers, acute trusts, VCSEs or are delivered in-house at the Local Authority. The Commissioners consider that: • Everyone in Bath & North East Somerset, Swindon & Wiltshire ("BSW") should be able to experience a personalised care approach • Every community in BSW should be able to access the best possible health and care services within their community with the aim of a healthier community with reduced health inequalities • BSW should have joined up, local multidisciplinary teams designed for and based in local communities • BSW should have local specialist services closer to and where people live • BSW should have a network of specialist centres focused on specialist care and less on routine services for the communities of BSW Commissioners are exploring their options on how to re-commission both Adult and Children's Community Services across their respective localities from 1 April 2024. Each Locality will make their own decision about the final model and procurement date, and these will be shared at the appropriate time The scope, value, process(es) and contract model(s) of the services to be implemented are yet to be determined, however, it is expected that each Locality (Banes, Swindon & Wiltshire) will be commissioning separately, and may include Adult community services, Children's community services, or both In line with the BSW Care Model, Commissioners are considering the needs of the population throughout all life stages and especially within the following three groupings: • Starting Well o This area is seeking to provide children, young people, and families with support and care in the community, including Public Health Nursing, physical and emotional wellbeing, Community health & targeted support • Living/Ageing Well o Supporting self-care and prevention, proactive care and support, responding to urgent needs, rehabilitation and recovery from ill health and/or crisis • Dying Well o Palliative and end of life care in all settings, bereavement support This PIN is not a formal call for competition and does not signal the launch of any formal procurement process but is being issued by the Commissioner as they are seeking to engage with suitably qualified providers to help inform and shape the next steps of this commissioning process. The Commissioners aims are: • Engaging with providers • Understanding the interest there might be in providing such services from suitably qualified providers • Informing the commissioning process • Gathering information from stakeholders that may be used to shape a commissioning / procurement process and the associated documentation Suitably qualified providers are asked to register their interest by email to ("Expression of Interest"). As part of your Expression of Interest you are required to complete a questionnaire which can be found at Registered interested parties will then be contacted by email with further information on the engagement process in due course Please be clear whether your expression of interest is in relation to Adult community services, Children's community services, or both This notice is being managed by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit ("SCW") on behalf of BSW ICB and the three local authorities (Banes, Swindon and Wiltshire). All Expressions of Interest must be submitted by no later than midday on 16 March 2023 Lot 1: NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board ("BSW ICB"), and Bath and North East Somerset Council, Swindon Borough Council and Wiltshire Council (the "Local Authorities") are responsible for commissioning Health and Care Services including Public Health Services within their localities References below to the "Commissioners" are to BSW ICB and the Local Authorities collectively Services are currently purchased from a range of providers including primary care providers, community providers, acute trusts, VCSEs and private providers The Commissioners consider that: • Everyone in Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire ("BSW") should be able to experience a personalised care approach • Every community in BSW should be able to access the best possible health and care services within their community with the aim of a healthier community with reduced health inequalities • BSW should have joined up, local multidisciplinary teams designed for and based in local communities • BSW should have local specialist services closer to and where people live • BSW should have a network of specialist centres focused on specialist care and less on routine services for the communities of BSW Commissioners are exploring their options on how to re-commission both Adult and Children's Community Services across their respective localities from 1 April 2024. Each Locality will make their own decision about the final model and procurement date, and these will be shared at the appropriate time The scope, value, process(es) and contract model(s) of the services to be implemented are yet to be determined, however, it is expected that each Locality (Banes, Swindon & Wiltshire) will be commissioning separately, and may include Adult community services, Children's community services, or both In line with the BSW Care Model, Commissioners are considering the needs of the population throughout all life stages and especially within the following three groupings: • Starting Well o This area is seeking to provide children, young people, and families with support and care in the community, including Public Health Nursing, physical and emotional wellbeing, Community health and targeted support • Living/Ageing Well o Supporting self-care and prevention, proactive care and support, responding to urgent needs, rehabilitation and recovery from ill health and/or crisis • Dying Well o Palliative and end of life care in all settings, bereavement support This PIN is not a formal call for competition and does not signal the launch of any formal procurement process but is being issued by the Commissioners as they are seeking to engage with suitably qualified providers to help inform and shape the next steps of this commissioning process. The Commissioners aims are: • Engaging with providers. • Understanding the interest there might be in providing such services from suitably qualified providers. • Informing the commissioning process. • Gathering information from stakeholders that may be used to shape a commissioning / procurement process and the associated documentation Suitably qualified providers are asked to register their interest by email to ("Expression of Interest"). As part of your Expression of Interest you are required to complete a questionnaire which can be found at: Registered interested parties will then be contacted by email with further information on the engagement process in due course Please be clear whether your expression of interest is in relation to Adult community services, Children's community services, or both This notice is being managed by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit ("SCW") on behalf of BSW ICB and the three local authorities (Banes, Swindon and Wiltshire). All Expressions of Interest must be submitted by no later than midday on 16 March 2023 Additional information: The services that are the subject of this PIN ("services") fall within Schedule 3 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 ("the Regulations") and are therefore not subject to the full application of the Regulations. Any future procurement of the services will instead only be governed by the "Light Touch Regime" contained within Chapter 3, Section 7 of the Regulations (Regulations 74 to 77 and the other elements of the Regulations that apply specifically to Light Touch Regime services. It is also likely that each locality will be advertising these opportunities separately at different times, although there is a possibility that some opportunities may be advertised together
Publish date
2 years ago
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NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board
- Contact:
- Angela Mortley
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