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TC1111 - Highways Maintenance Framework



Bethell Construction Ltd, J Hopkins (Contractors) Ltd, Thermal Road Repairs Limited, Ventbrook Ltd, Sapphire Utility Solutions Ltd, Chevron Traffic Management Limited, Rosgal Ltd


32,000,000 GBP


Manchester City Council is seeking suppliers for a new collaborative 4-year Highway\r Maintenance Framework.\r The works and services covered by the framework have been split into 5 Lots, as follows:\r Lot 1 Patching defect repairs (small and large defects)\r Lot 2 Highway mobile repairs, includes emergencies during typical business hours, out of\r hours, nights, and public holidays\r Lot 3 Highway event support- traffic management, business hours and out of hours\r Lot 4 Gully cleansing\r Lot 5 Drainage - Repairs including improvement works, and as required, culvert, trash\r screen and water course clearance Additional information: The Council is using the e-business portal known as the Chest. Applicants will need to register their details at the following link Applicants will need to electronically submit their completed tender documents, including online questionnaire, via the on-line portal by 11am on


Award date

11 months ago

Publish date

11 months ago

Buyer information

Manchester City Council

Philip Robinson

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