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PS/24/130 - Sorn Land Slip Remedial Works including Sheet Piling



WI & A Gilbert Ltd


296,581.25 GBP


The Project consists of remedial works to stabilise the B713 and protect against movement of the road as a result of ongoing slope movement on the road itself and the wooded slope below. The project also includes the replacement of the road make up which has deteriorated. Lot 1: Remedial works to stabilise the B713 and protect against movement of the road as a result of ongoing slope movement on the road itself and the wooded slope below. The project also includes replacement of the road make up which has deteriorated. The works form remedial measures required to stabilise a section of road affected by slop movement and remediation of the road. A brief summary of the works is provided below: - Design and create a safe working area within the eastbound lane of B713 using a traffic management system - Install 51m linear length sheet pile wall in the downslope road verge, with contractor designed pile capping beam - Excavate deteriorated road make-up in eastbound lane and replace with compacted imported fill - Install Sharp Deviation of Route signage in eastbound lane - Install verge between road and sheet pile wall - Road surfacing - Liaising with service providers regarding buried services in the site.


Award date

4 days ago

Publish date

2 days ago

Buyer information

East Ayrshire Council


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