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Building and Civil Engineering Works Framework



CK Rail Solutions Ltd, Amalgamated Construction Limited, Dyer & Butler Ltd, Construction Marine Limited, Enable Infrastructure Ltd, H. A. Marks Limited, Dyer & Butler Ltd, Consortia Integrated Services Limited, Construction Marine Limited, Railscape Limited, Dyer & Butler, H A Marks, Construction Marine Limited, Consortia Integrated Services Limited, RTG Rail Services Ltd, Amalgamated Construction Limited, CK Rail Solutions Ltd, Dyer & Butler Ltd, Construction Marine Limited, Aureos Rail Limited, CK Rail Solutions Ltd, Amalgamated Construction Limited, Dyer & Butler Ltd, Aureos Rail Limited, Enable Infrastructure Ltd, Amalgamated Construction Limited, Dyer & Butler, Construction Marine Limited, Total Property Support Services Limited, Nationwide Rail Ltd, CK Rail Solutions Ltd, Dyer & Butler Ltd, Amalgamated Construction Limited, Construction Marine Limited, Aureos Rail Limited


1,093,000,000 GBP


c2c have procured a multi-lot, multi-contractor Framework Contract over a 4-year term with optional extension periods of two individual 2-year periods to support the delivery of associated Building and Civil Engineering works. c2c used a Restricted Procedure in accordance with the Utilities Contract Regulations 2016 to procure the Framework Contract, which consists of the following Lots: 1: Multi-Disciplinary Building and Civils Works 2: Station Building and Roofing Works 3: Internal Station Improvement Works 4: Bridges 5: Ancillary Civils 6: Canopies 7: Platforms Five contractors were successfully appointed to each Lot. Lot 1: Lot 1 – Multi-Disciplinary Building and Civil Engineering Works This Lot covers the delivery of Multi-Disciplinary Building and Civil Engineering Works and/or any works which spans multiple lots across the Framework Contract. Lot 2: Lot 2 – Station Building and Roofing Works This Lot covers the delivery of Station Building and Roofing Works, which may include, but not be limited to, any structural works, maintenance and/or improvements required to the station superstructure and roof. Lot 3: Lot 3 – Internal Station Improvement Works This Lot covers the delivery of internal station improvement works, which may include, but not be limited to, any structural works such as Windows, Doors and Internal Walls, maintenance and/or improvements required inside the station. Lot 4: Lot 4 – Bridges This Lot covers the delivery of bridges Works, which may include, but not be limited to, any structural works for Metallic, Masonry and concreate structures, maintenance and/or improvements required to the identified bridges. Lot 5: Lot 5 – Ancillary Civils This Lot covers ancillary works including but not limited drainage, groundworks and landscaping. Lot 6: Lot 6 – Canopies This Lot covers the delivery of Canopies, which may include, but not be limited to, any roped access, Pigeon control and/or improvements required to the canopies. Lot 7: Lot 7 – Platforms This Lot covers the delivery of Platform Works, which may include, but not be limited to, any structural works to platform walls, maintenance and/or improvements required to the station platforms.


Award date

4 months ago

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Trenitalia c2c Limited

Fran Butterworth

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