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Careers Assessment/psychometric



About Careers Wales Career Choices Dewis Gyrfa Ltd (CCDG) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Welsh Government which was formed on 1 April 2013. Trading as Gyrfa Cymru Careers Wales, we are contracted to provide all age, independent and impartial careers information and advice and guidance service for Wales. We deliver a remit set by the Minister for Economy and Transport and support the Welsh Government’s strategic objectives as identified in the Programme for Government and related Welsh Government policies. The overall focus for our service is to help people make effective decisions and become independent in managing their careers. This includes making realistic career decisions and plans, and ensuring successful progression and positive outcomes for individuals, who we support to gain appropriate training, further learning or employment. Our work helps to develop the nation’s skills base and to support the effectiveness of expenditure on education and training, thereby contributing to the economic and social well-being of Wales. Our vision and mission Our vision is for a Wales where individuals are inspired to take control of their careers. Our mission is to ensure clients achieve their potential. More information about Careers Wales can be obtained on the about us section on Introduction: We play an important role in helping individuals across Wales make well informed decisions about courses, qualifications, training and ultimately job opportunities relevant to them. This plays an important part in employers having access to well prepared, motivated and appropriately qualified individuals in the labour market. As an organisation we deliver our services in pursuit of the following high-level outcomes: • Improved efficiency of labour markets by reducing skills mismatches • Increased participation and attainment in education and training, reducing the number of people who are Not in Education, Training or Employment (NEET) • Increased accessibility and simplicity of all age employability support and referral to appropriate provision, reducing youth and adult unemployment and economic inactivity • Maximise the efficiency of post compulsory education by supporting well considered decisions regarding learning options and pathways, thereby reducing churn and minimising incidence of failure to complete courses • Promoting greater parity of esteem between academic and vocational pathways, particularly ensuring young people and their parents are aware of apprenticeship pathways and are supported to access them as appropriate. As part of our WG remit we are requested to provide a range of online services to our customers to meet the full range of customers career needs. This includes a wide variety of content and many applications that support self-awareness, decision making, opportunity awareness and help individuals with their career management skills. To add to our range of online services we are looking to procure two key products: • Up to date national job information that is representative of the current labour market which includes all key data associated with a specific job so users are able to build up a realistic picture of the requirements and future opportunities in respect of specific jobs. • A range of online career assessment/psychometric quizzes for users to match their skills and interests to jobs, broadening their horizons on the types of jobs they may be suited to.


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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Careers Wales

Paul Powell

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