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NHS Wales Integration Priorities and Roadmap Consultancy



The NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS) provides a range of services and national IT systems that are used across Wales. Our approach uses an integration engine to manage and transform electronic messages between systems. The team that develop and support this integration engine has a large workload and a small number of staff, and the COVID-19 outbreak has put significant further pressure on the team to deliver fast paced developments across Welsh health and care. Due to the current workload demand, including high priority Covid 19 work the integration functions require additional support for work prioritisation. As a result, NWIS Directors have requested consultancy support to: 1. Undertake a review of the current integration priorities and develop an improved prioritisation framework to: • Gain a better collective understanding of the immediate COVID-19 priorities; • Identify where there are overlaps across the immediate priorities; • Provide a draft timeline of when the immediate priorities can be delivered with current resources; • Identify where additional resources might be needed to deliver the priorities at a faster pace. 2. Set out a roadmap for integration functions to transition to a more open architecture and standards-based interoperability approach, as set out in the National Data Resource business case and the Digital Architecture Review.


Publish date

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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NHS Wales - Shared Services Partnership

Nathan Beynon

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