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Accessibility assessment of Careers Wales websites and consultancy support.



Careers Wales (CW) is looking to procure the services of an experienced website accessibility assessment provider to1. Complete a full site accessibility assessment of both the Careers Wales and Working Wales websites2. Complete a reassessment of both websites at a future date agreed by Careers Wales3. Provide support to Careers Wales on a range of accessibility queries and requested work tasks1. Full site assessmentThe full site assessment will cover the user journeys provided in Appendix 1, 2 and 3.Appendix 1 details several content pages produced through our Content Management System (CMS), Drupal covering each unique component used on the website. These components form part of our digital style guide. Not every page on the website will need to be assessed, only those detailed in the user journeys along with headers, footers and other items listed on the user journeys.Appendix 2 details several react applications that are part of the website. These are uniquely designed and developed to offer a specific service to our customers using the website. Each of the applications to be assessed is listed in Appendix 2, with supporting information covering the user journey through each application, also detailing specific elements within each application that are within the assessment remit.Appendix 3 details several content pages produced through our Content Management System (CMS), Drupal covering each unique component used on the website. These components form part of our digital style guide. Not every page on the website will need to be assessed, only those detailed in the user journeys along with headers, footers and other items listed on the user journeys.The accessibility assessment will be completed against the WCAG 2.2 AA accessibility standard in line with the accessibility regulations.The successful organisation will provide a detailed report covering each part of the site assessed against each relevant criterion from WCAG 2.2. The report will identify each pass / fail and provide details on the reason for the fail with corrective action needed by Careers Wales to fix the issue.The successful organisation will be available for further consultation on any identified issue within the report for CW staff or their developers to fully understand the issue and put the appropriate corrective action in place.We would like the full website accessibility assessment completed within 3 months from an agreed start date.1. Tenders for this work can be submitted in Welsh2. Tenders submitted in Welsh will not be treated less favourably than those submitted in English.3. The closing dates for the Tender will be the same for those submitted in Welsh and English4. The timetable for responding to the bids in Welsh will be the same as those submitted in EnglishNOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at buyer has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via the Postbox facility. A user guide is available at are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems. Process and TimelinesInterested organisations must supply Careers Wales with:• Fully costed and detailed proposal for all aspects of this work by Friday 9th August, 2024• A declaration that the requirements applicable to this specification can fully meetInterested organisations must supply a fully costed proposal to Mark Hoban, Information Manager, Careers Wales by:• Email: Wales intends to notify all organisations who submit a proposal of the outcome by Friday 23rd August 2024.(WA Ref:143202)


Publish date

8 months ago

Close date

7 months ago

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Careers Wales

Paul Powell

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