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Careers Wales Accessibility Tender



Careers Wales (CW) is looking to procure the services of an experienced website accessibility assessment provider to complete the following work over the course of the contracted period1. Complete accessibility assessments for several applications which sit on the Careers Wales website2. Complete an accessibility assessment of several content pages across the Careers Wales and Working Wales websites3. Provide support to Careers Wales on a range of accessibility queries and requested work tasks1. Tenders for this work can be submitted in Welsh2. Tenders submitted in Welsh will not be treated less favourably than those submitted in English.3. The closing dates for the Tender will be the same for those submitted in Welsh and English4. The timetable for responding to the bids in Welsh will be the same as those submitted in EnglishNOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at buyer has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via the Postbox facility. A user guide is available at are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems. Contract period and valueThe successful organisation will be awarded a two-year contract, with an option to extend for a further one year. The contract value is between £0 and £60,000 (exc. VAT).PaymentsCareers Wales will raise a PO for each work activity requested. Payment will be made after the services requested are completed.Tender marking scheme - Tender will be marked on quality and price. Please only submit the price and quality template, no other information is required.Price35% of the tender marks are awarded on price.The provider must include detailed costs for a sample of work required as follows:• Accessibility assessments for the applications listed in Appendix 1 (15%)• Accessibility assessment of the content pages listed in Appendix 1 (10%)• Cost of remedial work to make the example PDF fully accessible – Appendix 2 (5%)• Daily charge rate for ad hoc queries (5%)The costs for the applications and content pages assessment must be based on:• Completing the assessment using the different browsers, devices, and assistive technologies listed in the tender specification under the heading ‘Accessibility testing’.• Providing Careers Wales with a detailed report for each application, identifying each pass/fail against the relevant WCAG 2.2 criterion and corrective action needed to fix any identified issue.• The time available to communicate the report findings back to Careers Wales and address any further queries on the report.• All costs associated with the manual and automated methods used to complete the assessment• Any additional costs, such as management fees and admin costs associated with each piece of workQualityQ1. Testing methods and practices (15%) (maximum 500 words)• Details on how you will carry out a website accessibility assessment (5%)• Details on your testing methods and practices (10%)o Confirmation of the browsers and devices used as part of the assessment.o Outline what automated and manual testing will be done as part of the accessibility assessment.o Confirmation of the assistive technologies used as part of the assessment.Q2. Reporting and feedback methods (20%) (maximum 500 words)• Details of what will be included in the assessment report and how this information will be provided to Careers Wales (10%). (If a report example is provided, it won’t be included in the word count limit)• The support available to CW following the report, so we can understand each issue fully and implement corrective action. (10%)Q3. Experience (10%). Please provide evidence of the following: (maximum 400 words)• Company experience of completing accessibility assessments, including any testimonials (5%)• Details of the team who will carry out the assessment, including relevant experience and whether this work is contracted out or completed in-house. (5%).Q4. Meeting CW wider accessibility needs (10%) (max 400 words)• Outline your expertise and experience in the company to support Careers Wales across the different areas of accessibility requirements. (5%)• Provide examples of different accessibility support provided to existing/previous clients (5%)SustainabilityEnvironment (10%)• Please describe how you will minimise the carbon footprint created in completing the tender specification works.(WA Ref:144978)


Publish date

5 months ago

Close date

5 months ago

Buyer information

Careers Wales

Mr Paul Powell

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