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CFT for Micro Credentials Ladder in Service Design



Design Skillnet invites tender submissions for the co creation of a micro credentials ladder in service design. Aims and Objectives: To create an easily accessible, stackable series of credentials in the area of service design from foundation level to service design practitioner. At the end of the ladder, participants who have completed all modules will be equipped to practice service design professionally and offer service design as a service to clients. Candidates will learn about principles, methods and tools. Timeline: Pilot of at least some modules or phases to be delivered in Q4 2023, with full second run in 2024. Target Audience: Designers who wish to practice Service Design and offer it as a service to their clients, external or internal. Designers who wish to apply the principles of Service Design to their work. Architects and Urban Planners who wish to incorporate the principles of Service Design to their work. Early Career Grads, to add this skill to their toolkit early in their career. Non design Professionals who wish to apply the principles of Service Design to their work or become service design practitioners. Key elements: Ladder: A full suite of modules which together empower candidates to begin their practice of service design in their career. Ladder/Rungs: Each module must provide value as a standalone, particularly to candidates who have established their careers and wish to apply aspects of service design in their work. Delivery: to be flexible, bite-sized, possibly a mix of live synchronous - face to face or online - and asynchronous on-demand. We would like to see innovative suggestions re time of day, duration and frequency of live and on-demand modules or sessions, group work, projects etc. Recognition of Prior Learning - RPL: Potential to allow exemptions from foundation or other modules based on previous qualifications or experience. Accreditation or Badge: Ideally will carry National Framework Accreditation or Professional Accreditation Potential Topics or Modules could include: Introduction to Service Design, including History and Origins, relationships with other design discipline, Design Research and Synthesis, Visualisation and Mapping, Service Blueprints, Workshop Design and Facilitation for Service Design, Ideation, Concept Development, Co-design, Prototyping and Iterating Services, Feedback mechanisms, Explaining and Selling Service Design, Content Design, System Thinking Content should cover application of the skills in varied contexts to include public sector, private sector i.e. in house, tertiary sectors such as non profits and consulting roles. Training Partner should be able to demonstrate experience in Service Design as a practitioner as well as prior experience of training and facilitation of service design or related programmes. Where the potential partner does not have the expertise in-house regarding a specific element to be taught, they may contract in a suitable third party. Promotion - Information or taster sessions may be run to promote the programme. The successful supplier is required to be available to facilitate these. Intellectual Property - IP This programme is to be co-created by Design Skillnet and the successful third party partner. Design Skillnet will invest funds in the development of the programme. The programme will be offered via Design Skillnet. IP of programme design, content and delivery must therefore form part of the contracting discussion Tender Assessment - By Most Economically Advantageous Tender - MEAT. The categories are - 25 per cent - Price and value for money 50 per cent - Content and quality of outlined framework, understanding of requirement, experience and knowledge 25 per cent - Sectoral Experience and Expertise - Required To Tender - Please submit a proposal using the attached document outlining your response to the above criteria. Suppliers must hold a valid Tax Clearance Certificate and all relevant insurance Design Skillnet invites tender submissions for the co creation of a micro credentials ladder in service design. Aims and Objectives: To create an easily accessible, stackable series of credentials in the area of service design from foundation level to service design practitioner. At the end of the ladder, participants who have completed all modules will be equipped to practice service design professionally and offer service design as a service to clients. Candidates will learn about principles, methods and tools. Timeline: Pilot of at least some modules or phases to be delivered in Q4 2023, with full second run in 2024. Target Audience: Designers who wish to practice Service Design and offer it as a service to their clients, external or internal. Designers who wish to apply the principles of Service Design to their work. Architects and Urban Planners who wish to incorporate the principles of Service Design to their work. Early Career Grads, to add this skill to their toolkit early in their career. Non design Professionals who wish to apply the principles of Service Design to their work or become service design practitioners. Key elements: Ladder: A full suite of modules which together empower candidates to begin their practice of service design in their career. Ladder/Rungs: Each module must provide value as a standalone, particularly to candidates who have established their careers and wish to apply aspects of service design in their work. Delivery: to be flexible, bite-sized, possibly a mix of live synchronous - face to face or online - and asynchronous on-demand. We would like to see innovative suggestions re time of day, duration and frequency of live and on-demand modules or sessions, group work, projects etc. Recognition of Prior Learning - RPL: Potential to allow exemptions from foundation or other modules based on previous qualifications or experience. Accreditation or Badge: Ideally will carry National Framework Accreditation or Professional Accreditation Potential Topics or Modules could include: Introduction to Service Design, including History and Origins, relationships with other design discipline, Design Research and Synthesis, Visualisation and Mapping, Service Blueprints, Workshop Design and Facilitation for Service Design, Ideation, Concept Development, Co-design, Prototyping and Iterating Services, Feedback mechanisms, Explaining and Selling Service Design, Content Design, System Thinking Content should cover application of the skills in varied contexts to include public sector, private sector i.e. in house, tertiary sectors such as non profits and consulting roles. Training Partner should be able to demonstrate experience in Service Design as a practitioner as well as prior experience of training and facilitation of service design or related programmes. Where the potential partner does not have the expertise in-house regarding a specific element to be taught, they may contract in a suitable third party. Promotion - Information or taster sessions may be run to promote the programme. The successful supplier is required to be available to facilitate these. Intellectual Property - IP This programme is to be co-created by Design Skillnet and the successful third party partner. Design Skillnet will invest funds in the development of the programme. The programme will be offered via Design Skillnet. IP of programme design, content and delivery must therefore form part of the contracting discussion Tender Assessment - By Most Economically Advantageous Tender - MEAT. The categories are - 25 per cent - Price and value for money 50 per cent - Content and quality of outlined framework, understanding of requirement, experience and knowledge 25 per cent - Sectoral Experience and Expertise - Required To Tender - Please submit a proposal using the attached document outlining your response to the above criteria. Suppliers must hold a valid Tax Clearance Certificate and all relevant insurance


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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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