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Learning Frameworks 2.0



456,000,000 GBP


This procurement is for the provision of the new learning and development contracting vehicle(s) to service Central Government organisations. The commercial vehicle(s), known as Learning Frameworks 2.0 , will replace existing learning and development contracts and will deliver blended, and technically innovative, learning solutions for some or all the following (this list is not exhaustive and could be subject to change): - a core curriculum, defining and providing required skills and knowledge, from foundational to specialist, as defined by the Authority; - assurance of the quality and relevance of all products and programmes, as defined and agreed by the Government Campus; - products for management and leadership as defined by the Authority, and assured in relevance by the Leadership College for Government, to build leadership capability across complex systems, and accountable and effective managers; - access to specialist training for professions and functions across government, including access to qualifications; - specific emphasis on understanding and using data, science, technology and engineering, and the basics of public administration, and other skills priorities as defined by the government skills strategy. The solution will provide support infrastructure and services which may include: administration, scheduling, bookings, venues, evaluation managing and monitoring, management information reporting and analysis, sourcing and procurement, supply chain management, invoicing of services and working with Government venues and on-line services. The solution will also provide access to licences for learning services and qualifications and off-the-shelf training. The commercial solution(s) will include organisations with the capability to manage large-scale learning delivery, technologies to support end-to-end learning delivery, a partnership approach with delivery organisations, including the use of small and medium enterprises and educational institutions, and have access to niche, specialist and research-based knowledge and insight. Suppliers need to foster innovative partnerships tailored to facilitate efficient and effective delivery of various programmes and courses The contracts will be flexible to be able to respond to changes, such as policy priorities, workforce locations and demographics, how and when people learn, and technology. The services will need to reflect policies under the Government People Plan initiatives, be responsive to transformations of the Civil Service across the UK and overseas, and present a UK-wide service in support of the missions-led government and Plan for Change agendas. They will support the Government Campus evaluation strategy. Lot 1: Lot A Learner Insights and Support Services (LISS): First point for contact for enquiries from Learners and Commissioners, catalogue of services, intelligent client services, horizon scanning, MI/Data reporting, spend control and evaluation tiering. Leading and Managing - Skills for Leaders and Managers: Providing the hosting, facilitation, booking, feedback surveys and specialist evaluation services for all Leading and Managing (L&M) products, including cross-civil service, bespoke, qualifications, licences, facilitation services and Off-The-Shelf products. Providing the hosting, facilitation, booking, feedback surveys and specialist evaluation services for Senior Executive Coaching. Lot 2: Lot B Core Skills - Skills for All: Providing the hosting, facilitation, booking, feedback surveys and specialist evaluation services for Core Skills in Government products, including cross-civil services, bespoke, qualifications, licences, facilitation services and Off-The-Shelf products. Lot 3: Lot B Specialist Skills - Skills for members of professions: Providing the hosting, facilitation, booking, feedback surveys and specialist evaluation services for Specialist Skills in Government products, including cross-civil service, bespoke, qualifications, licences, facilitation services and Off-The-Shelf products.


Publish date

2 months ago

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20 days ago

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Cabinet Office


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