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RM1043.8-3-WP2268 Recruitment of User Research Participants for GOV.UK Programme *updated*



How often research will happen This can vary depending on the needs, it can be as often as weekly to fortnightly to less often than this. Evening or weekend research Weekday evenings Evening or weekend research Weekends Research location Research will happen across the UK in person and virtually. Events may occur at GDS's offices in London, Bristol and Manchester. We are also seeking to use other venues across the UK such as libraries or at charities and at participants homes. Description of your participants This will vary and we have provided an example of the type of research participants we need in the questions for stage 1. Special terms and conditions We will be utilising the standard contract. We will be using the long form Security requirements for Schedule 9. Suppliers will be required to be Cyber Essentials certified. Are you prepared to show your budget details?: Yes Indicative maximum: Maximum budget available £110,000 for 12 months with provision to extend by another 12 months, maximum budget for Year two is £110,000 subject to approval. Summary of work To provide participant recruitment services for user research in the GOV.UK Programme at GDS. Where the research will take place North East England Where the research will take place North West England Where the research will take place Yorkshire and the Humber Where the research will take place East Midlands Where the research will take place West Midlands Where the research will take place East of England Where the research will take place London Where the research will take place South East England Where the research will take place South West England Where the research will take place Scotland Where the research will take place Wales Where the research will take place Northern Ireland Who the organisation using the products or services is Government Digital Service (GDS) Number of research rounds This will vary depending on our needs. Number of participants per round This can vary depending on our needs, but typically tends to be 6 - 8 people per round. The numbers can be higher or lower than this. Research dates Research dates throughout the contracted period.


Publish date

17 days ago

Close date

9 days ago

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