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Support for Malawi’s National Maths Curriculum Reform



The UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) anticipates running a competitive procurement for a programme to continue our support for Malawi’s National Maths Curriculum Reform. The UK has supported the Government of Malawi over the last five years to develop a new maths curriculum that can be implemented through a structured pedagogy approach that uses workbooks to guide lessons. This is now being rolled out at national scale in every primary school in Malawi alongside reforms supported by other development partners which all aim to tackle the crisis in foundational learning. FCDO anticipates continuing our support to complete the scale-up of this reform across the first four grades of primary school and embedding the change in how maths is taught over the next five years, as well as Technical Assistance to support foundational learning systems strengthening reforms under Ministry of Education leadership. This is component 1 of a new Education Business Case called “Maziko A Maphunziro” Lot 1: This programme will build on the success of the current support and deliver four (4) overarching capabilities as detailed below: 1. Complete the scale-up of the reform through to the 4th year of primary school (standard 4). 2. Provide ongoing coaching and training to ensure the reform sticks given high teacher turnover. government-led reform in a resource-scarce context. 3. Ensure student teachers learn the new maths curriculum in the teacher training colleges. 4. Ensure the continued procurement and distribution of the workbooks underpinning this reform.


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Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

Gayle Gore

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