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EMPOWER - Strengthening access to Family Planning (FP) in the Private sector - Component 3



Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) is planning a tender opportunity for the delivery of Contract for Component 3 of EMPOWER - Strengthening access to Family Planning in the Private Sector, which aims to contribute to creating a vibrant and self-sustaining private sector market for voluntary Family Planning (FP) services in Urban and Semi-urban areas in Uganda. This will involve identifying the market segments that can pay for their services and building capacity of Private for Profit (PFP) and Private-Not-For-Profit (PNFP) outlets to provide these services affordably and sustainably. The other Components have already been advertised and ran thorough different procurement routes (Accountable Grant and Framework). Please note that this Opportunity will be tendered using procedure defined under regulations 74 to 76 of Section 7 Social and Other Specific Services of Chapter 3 Particular Procurement Regimes, Public Contract Regulations 2015, i.e. Light Touch Regime (LTR). The procedure, the Negotiation with the Preferred Supplier is based on the principles of the Open Procedure up to the selection of Preferred Supplier who will be invited to the Negotiation step prior to the award of the Contract. The tender documents will be published in the FCDO's eTendering Portal You are encouraged to register in advance in case of any technical issues with the Portal. If you have any technical queries, please call eTendering helpdesk: +44 203 868 2859 or use the "Call me Back!" functionality (recommended, especially if contacting from outside of UK). The relevant Notices will be published in the Contracts Finder and Find the Tender Services (FTS) prior to release of the tender document. Lot 1: Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) will be looking for a Supplier to deliver Component 3 of EMPOWER Programme, which aims to contribute to creating a vibrant and self-sustaining private sector market for voluntary Family Planning (FP) services in Urban and Semi-urban areas in Uganda. The Contract is anticipated to commence on 1 April, 2025, and run until no later than 31 March 2029 and the Contract value is up to £3,600,000. The budget is exclusive of UK VAT but includes all applicable local taxes. The Contract will include the options of for further extension for up to two years and three months, if required and increase in value up to additional £1,800,000, subject to evidence of effectiveness of interventions, internal approvals and the availability of funds. The overall intended outcome is to contribute to creating a vibrant and sustainable Private sector market for FP commodities. This is expected to reduce donor reliance on FP commodities and services and ensure that both donor and Government of Uganda (GOU) services are prioritised for the most disadvantaged who would not be able to access FP services on their own. By enabling those with willingness and ability to pay, and channelling resources where they are needed the most, this component will improve the longer-term value for money (VFM) of the programme, particularly around economy and equity. FCDO expects the private sector to play an increasing role in contributing to Uganda's targeted modern Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (mCPR) and to increase the share of FP service delivery covered by other funding sources beyond GOU and donors, including, for example, out of pocket and health insurance. Potential interventions are expected to address both demand and supply factors, and the delivery partner(s) are expected to test and scale up the most appropriate interventions. The Terms of References (ToRs) should be read in conjunction with the EMPOWER Business Case, RISE endline Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices survey and the Terms of Reference for the Accountable Grant, which will be part of the tender documents to be published in the FCDO's eTendering Portal under itt_6610. Additional information: The tender documents will be published in the FCDO's eTendering Portal You are encouraged to register in advance in case of any technical issues with the Portal. If you have any technical queries, please call eTendering helpdesk: +44 203 868 2859 or use the "Call me Back!" functionality (recommended, especially if contacting from outside of UK).


Publish date

2 months ago

Buyer information

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office


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