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Communities, Networks and Training Events



Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) is an arms-length body sponsored by the Department for Work and Pensions, established at the beginning of 2019, and also engages with the HM Treasury on policy matters relating to financial capability. MaPS is organising a series of pre-market engagement events in the coming days. One of those will be for (Money Guiders) Communities, Networks and Training Events Services. Further details are as follows. a) Event management: We would like to meet suppliers that design and deliver events in a range of different formats: in-person, hybrid and online, including conferences, forums, webinars, training, workshops, expert speakers, networking, peer-to-peer support, action learning and facilitated group sessions. This includes event marketing and engagement, ticketing, managing delegates, sourcing and booking venues, catering, audio-visual equipment, live-stream technology and recording. b) Community management​: We would like to meet suppliers that manage and facilitate learning communities, communities or practice, and communities of interest and place. This includes: - large and small-scale network membership, from local geographic areas to larger regions, the four UK nations and the whole of the UK; - memberships from a diverse range of work environments, job roles and sectors; - creating and curating community content; - care of community members; including welcoming, onboarding, guidance and signposting around community spaces; - moderation of online community forums, groups and communication channels. c) Stakeholder engagement and community development​: We would like to meet suppliers that can accelerate localised (e.g. geographic or sector-specific) engagement and community building with organisations that deliver money guidance as part of their services, through front-line workers who have money conversations - non-regulated money guidance - as part of their wider work role, with their customers or service users including those who are vulnerable and most in need. Lot 1: The procurement will be undertaken under the Procurement Act 2023 later in 2025.


Publish date

2 months ago

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Money And Pensions Service

Commercial Team

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