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UK Overseas Territories: Investigation & Law-Enforcement Flexible Call-Down Facility



Establishment of a mini-framework to source and deploy qualified persons/teams to UK Overseas Territories. The Term of the Framework Agreement is expected to begin in late May/early June 2025. The Authority may (may) chose to run the tender and establish the framework as an Open Framework under Section 49 of the Procurement Act 2023. This will be confirmed in the UK4 Tender Notice and final Invitation to Tender notice Lot 1: Purpose & Strategic Alignment: The UK has a legal and constitutional responsibility for its Overseas Territories. Whilst the territories are largely self-governing, the UK retains ultimate responsibility for security including law and order. The UK is required to step in either (a) when invited to do so by the local government; and/or (b) when the local government’s law enforcement is visibly overwhelmed. The objective is to have a flexible call-down facility with up to five suppliers to allow UK qualified investigatory or other specialist law-enforcement expertise to be sourced and deployed quickly and compliantly. These requirements will be subject to mini-competitions under the framework testing both price/vfm and quality/technical merit. Additional information: Full details regarding this Expression of Interest are published on the Authority's eSourcing portal: (requires registration which is free and instantaneous), then navigate to Project 10300 / PQQ 1778.


Publish date

2 months ago

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Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office


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