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Market Hearing on a potential change of Energinet's system for planning outages



Energinet is in the starting phase of replacing an old outage-planning system with a new system. The outage planning system helps the operational department (electricity) to plan and perform outages of electrical components in the 400kV, 220kV, 150kV and 130kV electricity grid. This includes overhead lines, cables, transformers etc. The system is used around the clock in the Control center (along with other systems) to ensure optimal grid operation and security. The future system shall support the following 4 main processes. 1. Request an outage of grid components. 2. Operational planning process for grid components. 3. Switching planning of components 4. Execution of switching planning. 1. Request an outage of grid components. Is when a requester asks for (book) a component to be out of service for a certain time, explaining why they need the outage and what work they will do. 2. Operational planning process for grid components A new requested outage is added to the existing outage plan. It is checked how it affects the overall grid security and approved or denied based on that. If approved, it joins the general outage plan. 3. Switching plan of component A switching program for the actual switching (out and in) of components is made when a period for an outage is agreed upon. This means what and when to switch, who oversees the switching and so on. 4. Execution of switching plan The switching plan execution involves doing the actual switching, recording the switching time for the components (out and in), and issuing/receiving work permits for the authorized staff on the components etc.


Publish date

3 months ago

Close date

2 months ago

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Kirsten Ebstrup

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