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TfL Renewable Corporate Power Purchase Agreement ('PPA Comet')



TfL recently published a procurement for its first renewable PPA, ‘PPA Comet’, and has since withdrawn the opportunity. We are looking to re-launch the procurement in October, with the parameters given below. TfL would greatly appreciate a response from you to the five short questions that follow, to be sent directly via email to Please provide your response by 5PM on Thursday 6 October 2022. Delivery window: First power between 1 June 2024 and no later than 31 December 2028 Volumes to procure: 100 – 200 GWh per annum Technology: Offshore wind, onshore wind or solar Asset type: New Build Assets only Contract length: 15 years PPA structure (volume): Pay as Produced (PaP) PPA structure (price): CPI-linked Delivery: Energy will be sleeved through TfL’s licensed supplier 1. Are you interested in bidding for this opportunity? [Yes/No] 2. Do you have a single project that is eligible as per the parameters set out in the table [Yes/No] If ‘No’, what is your biggest single eligible project that you would be interested in bidding for a CPPA opportunity? What volume would the project be capable of meeting? 3. Do you have any concerns with any of TfL’s parameters? We are particularly interested if you have concerns with the delivery window, volume, or the contract length, but welcome all feedback. 4. If you don’t have an eligible project or are not interested, why not? E.g. the delivery window is not suitable for you, public sector procurement processes, current market conditions, etc. Please give as much detail as possible. 5. If TfL’s PPA procurements (now or in the future) were to run simultaneously with the Government’s Contract for Difference auctions, would this deter you from taking part in TfL’s PPA procurements? Please give rationale for your response. Lot 1: TfL would greatly appreciate a response from you to the short questionnaire above, to be sent directly via email to Please provide your response by 5PM on Thursday 6 October 2022.


Publish date

2 years ago

Buyer information

London Underground Limited

Miss Jasmine Moss

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