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Digital Healthcare Information Website for maternity, children, young people and families



This notice is placed as a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to inform the market of NHS Devon ICB's ("the Commissioner"), intention to commission technology and services to support the development of its health information and signposting for maternity, children and young people (CYP), families, and their healthcare professionals. The Commissioner would like to understand the level of provider interest in delivering these services. There is a requirement for the development and ongoing maintenance of a bespoke website, which will serve as a comprehensive and reliable source of health information and signposting for maternity, children and young people (CYP), families, and their healthcare professionals for whom NHS Devon is the responsible Commissioner. It will need to have the ability to provide healthcare information to support self-management, signpost to appropriate services according to need, and provide appropriate advice through locally and nationally recognised sources. There will need to be information provided to be in line with nationally recognised on a traffic light system/health RAG rating for individuals to help identify the appropriate service for health care navigation from self-care through to 111/999 ambulance for common childhood illnesses, if there are worries or concerns. National information will need to be sourced through recognised websites along with evidenced based information and health service navigation in an easily accessible format, for example the traffic light system for feverish illness recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). There will be a requirement to publish local clinical pathways and information that has already been approved/passed through ICB governance - ideally a level of usable website upfront ahead of development of local pathways. There will be a requirement for the provision of technical innovations and development to the website as required, in line with user feedback. This exercise is being managed by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioner(s). Lot 1: This notice is placed as a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to inform the market of NHS Devon ICB's ("the Commissioner"), intention to commission technology and services to support the development of health information and signposting for maternity, children and young people (CYP), families, and their healthcare professionals The Commissioner would like to understand the level of provider interest in delivering these services. There is a requirement for the development and ongoing maintenance of a bespoke website, which will serve as a comprehensive and reliable source of health information and signposting for maternity, children and young people (CYP), families, and their healthcare professionals for whom NHS Devon is the responsible Commissioner. The website will need to: • Be easy to navigate. • Adhere to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 • Provide appropriate translation functionality. • Have the ability to print content in different languages - needs solution to render web content into high quality PDFs for printing. • Be enabled with visual and audio accessibility requirements for sight impaired users. • Enable pages to be shared using SMS share function which is accessed easily on the website or be available to access via an App. • Have the ability to include videos, flow charts, links to social media platforms. It will need to have the ability to provide healthcare information to support self-management, signpost to appropriate services according to need, and provide appropriate advice through locally and nationally recognised sources. The website will need to provide a range of generic and geographical tailored information for patients, families and carers and professionals. It will need to include the provision of available patient facing material relating to: • Acute illnesses for children and young people. • Preconception care, pregnancy, birth, postnatal and newborn care. • Perinatal mental health. • Mental health for children and young people. • Different user groups, catering to youth, LGBTQ+, and other diverse communities. There will need to be information provided to be in line with nationally recognised on a traffic light system/health RAG rating for individuals to help identify the appropriate service for healthcare navigation from self-care through to 111/999 ambulance for common childhood illnesses, if there are worries or concerns. National information will need to be sourced through recognised websites along with evidenced based information and health service navigation in an easily accessible format, for example the traffic light system for feverish illness recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). There will be a requirement to publish local clinical pathways and information that has already been approved/passed through ICB governance - ideally a level of usable website upfront ahead of development of local pathways. The website will need to have the technical capability to interface with other relevant websites/apps/digital offers. There will be a requirement for the provision of technical innovations and development to the website as required, in line with user feedback. To understand and demonstrate the impact of the website, there will be a requirement to have statistical information to support monitoring of impact and future development. These would include, but not be limited to: • Monitoring of website hits, frequently visited pages, requests for additional information. • Pregnant women and birthing people, parent, young person use, benefits and feedback. • Clinician use and benefits and feedback. • Development and availability of consistent clinical pathways. • Sharing national metrics dashboard with primary care to inform their care decision making. • Information relating onto onwards referrals from within the website to local services across Primary Care, Secondary Care, voluntary sector. Technical maintenance support will need to be provided to enable revisions to content and links in an agreed timeframe. Additionally, the website will have site analytics and performance monitoring capabilities to track user engagement and measure the website's effectiveness continuously. Contract duration and start date Initial 1 year with the possibility of a contract extension for up 12months Any particular nuances that should be at the forefront / front of the notice The developer must have minimum 3 years in web development and be able to provide 3-5 examples of relevant work (including at least one NHS health information website). Total contract value is not in excess of £20,000 per year ex VAT


Publish date

2 months ago

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NHS Devon Integrated Care Board

Claire McMahon

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