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NHS Devon ICB- Plymouth Hospital Discharge and Community Support



1,978,675 GBP


This notice is placed as a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to inform the market of NHS Devon Integrated Care Board's (the Commissioner's), intention to commission a Hospital Discharge and Community service for Plymouth. The Commissioner is communicating a market engagement event and request expressions of interest for this. This exercise is being managed by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioner(s). Lot 1: This notice is placed as a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to inform the market of NHS Devon Integrated Care Board's (the Commissioner's), intention to commission a Hospital Discharge and Community service for Plymouth. The Commissioner is communicating a market engagement event and request expressions of interest. The Plymouth Locality of NHS Devon ICB are looking to undertake an information gathering exercise to further understand what support is and could be available for Plymouth's residents upon discharge from hospital. This is to facilitate safe and timely discharges to vulnerable patients'* homes once they become medically fit; whilst also maximising support to enable people to remain living at home during periods of escalated need to avoid unnecessary hospital admission via a newly commissioned service. (For the purposes of this proposed service, a vulnerable patient is defined as someone requiring special care, support or protection. This could be due to age, disability, risk of abuse or neglect.) The purpose of this event is to:  Begin a process of dialogue with the market  Ensure that we commission a service that is fit for the future, clear on our expectations, meets local needs, is appealing and deliverable for providers. The estimated budget for this service is currently £395,735 per annum and the expected contract term is likely to be 3 years, with the option to extend for a further 2 years, making an estimated contract value of £1,187,205 for the initial term. If the 2 year extension is utilised, the estimated total contract value is £1,978,675. This event is an information gathering exercise rather than initiating a competitive procurement process; and therefore publication or response does not commit NHS Devon ICB or respondents to a future procurement, nor provide any process exemptions or preferential treatment to any parties expressing an interest. NHS Devon ICB will share the outcomes from this event with Providers who have expressed an interest on the Atamis portal. TUPE may apply to this process It is the commissioners intention to hold a market engagement event on Friday the 21st of March 2025 at the Methodist Central Hall, Eastlake Street, Plymouth PL1 1BA, with all parties who have registered an interest in joining. An invitation to this in person event will be issued directly to you once you have registered on the Atamis Portal. The deadline to register your interest is 17:00 on Friday the 14th of March. This exercise is being managed by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioner.


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a month ago

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NHS Devon Integrated Care Board


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