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Provision for medical cover for Pathway 2 patients (West Devon)



This notice is to provide advance notice that NHS Devon ICB is intending to undertake a procurement exercise in relation to delivery of provision for medical cover for Pathway 2 patients in the West Devon locality. Further details provided below. The purpose of the PIN is to gauge market interest and identify potential service providers to help inform the most appropriate procurement approach. Any interested parties should confirm their interest to the contact email provided: Please title the email NHS Devon Medical Cover P2 Procurement. Lot 1: Aims and objectives of service: To provide provision of primary care medical cover for all pathway 2 patients placed in care homes within the Western Locality of Devon. Service description/care pathway: This will include providing primary care medical cover for patients discharged from hospital to residential care settings on pathway 2 (bedded rehabilitation and reablement). The service provider will be required to work with and in residential care homes (in the boundaries listed above). For the service provider to be able to access core primary medical services, the below will apply: If patients discharged on a Pathway 2 placement are placed in a care home outside of their registered GP area, they will be registered with a named GP practice as temporary residents until they are fit to be discharged from the Pathway 2 facility. Acceptance, Exclusion criteria and thresholds • Patients who are not identified as being on discharge to assess Pathway 2 placement • Medical cover is not provided out of hours times (Mon - Fri 18:30 - 08:00 and weekends and bank holidays) • As these patients are expected to be in the care home on a short-term temporary basis and if registered as a temporary resident they will not be subject to QOF or IIF requirements Wrap around support In developing this model, the service provider retains responsibility for the medical support, but it is acknowledged that it is essential that a model is developed to ensure they are supported. The additional wrap around support can vary location to location but could include: • Support from consultant teams • District nursing and other community services • Rapid response services • Community and acute speciality advisory services. • Community equipment • Volunteers The service provider providing primary care medical cover will be expected to agree with the managers of the facility the method of interaction to enable a good working relationship with the home and the residents. Out of Hours provision Usual out of hours arrangements for primary care will apply. Expected value of service An indicative budget of £200 per patient has been set. An expected annual cost has been forecast based on 187 discharges, however as this may vary a financial cap has been set at £54,000 per annum. Additional information: Any interested parties are asked to contact the email address provided by 26/02/2025 at the latest to confirm.


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NHS Devon Integrated Care Board


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