Expressions of interest for the provision of primary medical services at the development at Upper Lighthorne
NHS Arden and Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit (AGCSU) on behalf of NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board (CWICB) (referred to as the Commissioner) is seeking expressions of interest from providers who currently hold from providers who currently hold a General Medical Services (GMS), Primary Medical Services (PMS) or Alternative Provider Medical Services Contract (APMS) contract to deliver primary medical services as a branch surgery with the current patient list and anticipated population growth (while noting patient registration choice) from 1st November 2023. <br/><br/>Expressions of interest are being sought from providers to deliver primary medical services for an expected population of circa 6,000 patients during the Local Plan period within this development. Services must be available from commencement of the contract for the planned population from a suitable and approved premises for the delivery of GMS services. <br/><br/>Please note the deadline for expressions of interest is 10:00am 7th July 2023. Lot 1: The Commissioner has reached a strategic decision not to procure a practice with an expected weighted list size below 10,000 patients as a stand-alone APMS contract, but to look at alternative contracting models. <br/><br/>CWICB has therefore determined that the most appropriate way to achieve this aim is to procure this contract as a branch surgery and is looking to secure a suitable contracting model to provide GMS services including the PCN DES and other locally commissioned GP Primary Care services to an area of expected population growth. The branch surgery site will eventually be served from a newly built premises which is currently in development and not yet under construction; the commissioner aims to collaborate with the provider of this service with regards to the development plan for the new built premises from 1st November 2023. The provider is expected to enter into a new lease when built, which is anticipated to be in the next 2 – 4 years.<br/><br/>The contract holder will be expected to deliver services from 1st November 2023, as the service commencement date, and the contract will commence with a registered patient list of zero weighted patients on day 1. The weighted patient list size is anticipated to grow in line with population growth of up to circa 6,000, based on occupation within the local residential developments during the current Local Plan period up to 2034. <br/><br/>Therefore, whilst the new premises is unavailable the Commissioner requires services to be delivered from an existing premises within a distance up to 5 miles of the proposed development site in Upper Lighthorne (postcode CV33 8AE) from commencement of the contract. The providers premises must be within the boundary map stated as in Appendix 1. Patients will then be offered services at the newly developed surgery premises once the branch surgery opens.<br/><br/>The interim service delivery location will therefore be required for patients expected as part of the planned population growth to be registered for the duration of the development construction timescales and until such time as the new premises is completed. This will enable services to be delivered at a location considered appropriate in relation to patient travel requirements and to account for travel distance from the local residential developments.<br/><br/>Services for patients from commencement of the contract (1st November 2023), must be available for the planned population from a suitable, and approved premises for the delivery of GMS services from the commencement of the contract as awarded. <br/><br/>The premises from which services will be delivered from the service commencement date, will be considered suitable and accessible providing that they are:<br/>• CQC Registered and approved, with a rating of a minimum of Good overall,<br/>• suitably staffed to support population growth and multiple site service delivery,<br/>• able to demonstrate how participation in the PCN DES and active engagement with PCN practices, partnership working with local Federations / Providers and development of the Integrated Neighbourhood Teams (INT) will be achieved,<br/>• located within 5 miles of the proposed development site postcode CV33 8AE (see the boundary map in Appendix 1), with accessible and reliable local public transport routes to access care, and<br/>• located within the Coventry and Warwickshire ICB locality. <br/> <br/>The contractual requirement from service commencement, include that all patients are able to register and access services in line with the core GMS contract and PCN DES and within those hours of service provision. However, upon completion of the new premises, services will be provided across both sites to meet the reasonable needs of registered patients. <br/><br/>Provision of services at the new site may be determined by the population growth in terms of hours and service model and would be agreed with the Commissioner, all patients will be able to access all services as outlined above, however, site opening will be considered in line with population growth. <br/><br/>These services will be provided to all registered patients during GMS core hours, 8.00am – 6.30pm, Monday to Friday, plus PCN DES Enhanced Access hours provision in line with the local PCN arrangements which this Provider must be party to.<br/><br/>The contractual model will include remuneration based upon current GMS Global Sum payments per weighted patient based on local GMS practice equivalents and associated PCN DES funding plus other locally commissioned services from GP Primary Care. Additional information: This is purely an early engagement exercise and does not commit the Commissioners to carry out a procurement process. Any subsequent procurement will be advertised separately and all organisations wanting to participate will need to respond to the procurement advertisement as and when published.<br/><br/>The procurement will be advertised in accordance with the requirements of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (as amended) (the “Regulations”) to the extent that the Regulations relate to services within the scope of Schedule 3 thereto (Social and Other Specific Services). The Commissioner and AGCSU are, therefore, bound only by those parts of the Regulations applying to Schedule 3 services.<br/><br/>The Contracting Authority will be using an eTendering system for this market engagement exercise. To express an interest and access the questionnaire go to the ‘Live Opportunities’ list on the e-tendering portal at the following link: and register your interest.<br/><br/>You can search for the opportunity by entering the following contract reference: “C187048 - <br/>EOI for the provision of primary medical services at Upper Lighthorne” <br/><br/>Neither the publication of this notice nor the employment of any particular terminology nor any other indication shall be taken to mean that the Contracting Authority intends to hold itself bound by any of the Regulations. Please see published procurement documentation for further details.
Publish date
2 years ago
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NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board
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