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Expressions of Interest for the Provision of Initial Health Services for Asylum Seekers in Coventry



NHS Arden and Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit (AGCSU) on behalf of Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board (The Commissioner) would like to notify the market of a potential opportunity to provide initial health services for people seeking asylum and invite all interested providers to participate in an early market assessment questionnaire.<br/><br/>Your feedback will aim to:<br/><br/>a. Provide Market intelligence in potential providers who are able to deliver this service.<br/>b. Ensure market feedback and opportunities are considered in the future plans of the commissioning.<br/>c. Highlight Market opportunities, risks and challenges.<br/>d. Sought Commissioners understanding of the future contracting and commissioning and development.<br/><br/>Please note the deadline for expressions of interest is 12:00PM (Mid-day) on 27th February 2025. Lot 1: The Provider is required to support the efficient and safe functioning of health services and access for people resident at an accommodation centre for up to 104 asylum seekers which is one of a number of such centres in the UK.<br/><br/>Whilst many asylum seekers do arrive in the UK in relatively good physical health, health problems can rapidly develop whilst they are in the UK. However, some asylum seekers can have increased health needs relative to other migrants.<br/><br/>The services delivered will only be for patients who are Asylum Seekers and under the care of the Initial Accommodation Centre (IAC).<br/><br/>The IAC has a satellite clinic onsite for the delivery of health checks. Services may be delivered in a suitable alternative location. <br/><br/>The provider will support the IAC by providing access to health checks, a care plan to address immediate concerns and subsequent referral for health care interventions. The service will manage the referral of patients to other services linked to the contract and coordinate all appointments. Through initial health assessments the service will identify patients that require immediate health care attention and support them to receive the appropriate care to address their urgent health needs. <br/><br/>Every asylum seeker residing at the IAC is to be offered screening for Tuberculosis. Appropriate assessment, triage and care is to be provided to asylum seekers presenting with minor illness and more complex health issues arising from the health assessment.<br/><br/>Current DH guidance on immunisation and vaccination will be followed. Asylum seekers with symptoms of anxiety and stress are to be referred on as clinically appropriate.<br/><br/>The contract type will be APMS or similar.<br/><br/>The estimated contract value of £100, 908 is based on the contract value for 24/25. Commissioners are waiting for confirmation of the funding allocation for 25/26.<br/><br/>Key points for consideration for interested providers are:-<br/><br/>1. Must be a current provider of health care services.<br/>2. Must be able to demonstrate registration (without conditions) with the Care Quality Commission (CQC).<br/>3. Must have available or access to workforce capacity to provide onsite services.<br/><br/>The key desirables for the service are: -<br/><br/>1. Have an understanding of the additional health needs of people seeking asylum.<br/>2. Desirable use of EMIS.<br/>3. Experience of providing similar service/s i.e. detained / justice; support to other migration and resettlement programmes.<br/><br/>A draft specification is available in the documents area of the e-tendering portal Atamis (project code: C330711). Please note, the draft specification is subject to change as the service requirements are subject to Home Office direction.


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NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board

Claire Pickard

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