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Market Engagement for the Provision of Intermediate Minor Oral Surgery Dental Services in Coventry and Warwickshire



NHS Arden & Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit (AG CSU) on behalf of NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) (referred to as the Commissioner) wish to inform the market of future procurement opportunities (multiple lots) for Intermediate Minor Oral Surgery (IMOS) Dental Services including treatment under Conscious Sedation from multiple locations across the NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care System.<br/><br/>Details of each lot can be found below:<br/><br/>Lot 1 - Coventry<br/>Lot 2 - Nuneaton or Bedworth<br/>Lot 3 - Rugby<br/>Lot 4 - Warwick or Leamington Spa with a spoke site in Stratford-upon-Avon<br/><br/>The Commissioners would like to invite providers to register their interest via the Atamis e-tendering portal to access a link to the 4 pre-recorded Market Engagement videos. The videos will include the following areas:<br/><br/>1. Introduction to Coventry and Warwickshire ICB, the population & Health Inequalities<br/>2. IMOS opportunities in C&W<br/>3. Financial Standing self assessment tool<br/>4. Overview of the PSR Competitive process including Hints and tips<br/><br/>Access to the draft service specification and PDS agreement for IMOS dental services will also be available once you have registered your interest on the Atamis e-tendering portal.<br/><br/>Please note the deadline for registering to access the Market Engagement videos is 12:00pm (Mid-day) on 8th November 2024. Lot 1: It is envisaged that this Competitive process will be split in to two stages. <br/><br/>The first stage will be based on the Basic Selection Criteria and only providers who pass stage one (1) will be invited to take part in stage two (2) which will be based on Key Criteria (for example in accordance with the Provider Selection Regime as listed below:<br/><br/>1.Quality and Innovation<br/>2.Value<br/>3.Integration, Collaboration and Service Sustainability<br/>4.Improving access, Reducing Health Inequalities, and Facilitating Choice<br/>5.Social Value<br/><br/>Providers who express an interest in this opportunity will have access to the full documentation for both stages one (1) and two (2), to aid their decision as to whether to respond to the tender or not. <br/><br/>The proposed indicative timeline for the procurement is as follows (please note this is subject to change at the Commissioners discretion):<br/><br/>Stage One Basic Selection Criteria Period: 25th November - 13th December 2024<br/>Stage Two Key Selection Criteria Period: 3rd February - 21st February 2025<br/>Contract Award: 19th May - 30th May 2025<br/>Mobilisation: 1st June - 30th November 2025<br/><br/>The anticipated contract duration for the Intermediate Minor Oral Surgery (IMOS) lots will be 7 years with the option to extend for a further 3 years (total contract duration 10 years). The contract is expected to start on 1st December 2025 and run until 9th December 2032 with an option for the commissioner to extend for a period or periods of up to 3 years until 9th December 2035.<br/><br/>A Personal Dental Services (PDS) agreement will be established with the successful provider(s) for each of the 4 lots. Additional information: It is the expectation of the commissioner that providers will review the specification provided in order to inform their responses to the pre-market engagement questionnaire.<br/><br/>Please note the Contract Notice Publish date is only indicative at this time and is subject to change.


Publish date

5 months ago

Buyer information

NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board

Stacey Thrower

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