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Cleaning and Maintenance Contract- Public Toilets



29,000 GBP


Invitation to Tender Bridgnorth Town Council (the "Council") invites tenders to provide for the cleaning and general maintenance of its 3 public toilets located at: • Listley Street, WV16 4AW • Fox Corner, WV15 6BP • Innage Lane WV15 6BP. Tenders must be submitted for the whole of the Goods. Tenders for part only of the Service will be rejected. However, Bridgnorth Town Council is minded to consider reducing the number of public toilets (subject to public demand) and wishes to consider tenders that take into account providing all or some of the public toilets buildings i.e: • All 3 locations (Listley Street, Fox Corner and Innage Lane) • 2 x Locations (Listley Street and Fox Corner) • 2 x Locations (Listley Street and Innage Lane) • 1 x location (Listley Street only) Tenders should therefore offer 4 costs. Prospective tenderers shall ensure that they are fully familiar with the nature and extent of the obligations to be accepted by them if their tenders are accepted, including the Council's Standing Orders, a copy of which may be seen by arrangement. Should any prospective tenderer be in doubt as to the interpretation of any part of the contract documents, the Town Clerk or nominated officer shall endeavour to answer written enquiries prior to tenders being submitted. The contract is a fixed price contract. The prices quoted shall remain valid for acceptance for a minimum of 3 months from the tender return date. Tenderers will be required to demonstrate their ability to provide the Goods. The tender shall be submitted on the Form of Tender incorporated herein. The Form shall be signed by the tenderer and submitted in the manner and by the date and time stated below together with the following documents unless already provided: A statement of the names and home addresses of the partners if the tenderer is a partnership, or a statement of the names and home addresses of the directors and secretary if the tenderer is a company. A description of the tenderers corporate and management structure and methods by which they will provide the Goods. The names of the tenderer's bankers and two other trade and credit referees. Tenderers shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site and site conditions and to have satisfied themselves before tendering as to the correctness of Contract rates. Tenderers are expected to inspect the site before tendering. Site visits are strongly advised and can be arranged by calling the council office on 01746 762231. Tender Submission The tender and all accompanying documents shall be carefully sealed an envelope and marked ''Public Toilets Tender' and be delivered to: The Town Clerk, Bridgnorth Town Council, College House, St Leonard's Close, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV16 4EJ


Publish date

4 years ago

Close date

4 years ago

Buyer information

Bridgnorth Town Council

Barry Ince

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