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Invitation to Quote



The provision of a Quantity Surveyor and a Project Manager for the delivery of the next stages of the retaining wall project in Bridgnorth. Bridgnorth Town Council is in a position to start the next phase of the remedial works for the retaining wall project. In December 2022 a retaining wall within the legal demise of the Town Council was identified as in need of immediate and urgent remedial works due to the condition and the high risk / risk to life this posed. The retaining wall is located on the boundary of The Bridgnorth Castle Hill Railway Company operation of the Cliff Railway. The funicular railway is operated under a lease agreement with Bridgnorth Town Council and has done so since 1897. The Town Council has completed the first phases of the works and is now seeking to complete the remaining phases of the remedial works for this project. The Town Council's website provides information on the first phases of the project delivered, these phases were the remedial works for the retaining wall on the lower tier of the Castle Walk, Bridgnorth. The Town Council is looking to procure the services of a Quantity Surveyor and a Project Manager both with experience in civil engineering and construction. The roles of Quantity Surveyor and Project Manager can be one person or separated by the bidder. The Town Council understands that the next stage of the project will be delivered as part of a New Engineering Contract (NEC Contract). The Town Council has identified several options for the remaining remedial works and requires the services of a Quantity Surveyor and a Project Manager to complete a detailed options appraisal, including indicative costs, assist the Town Council to procure a preferred supplied for the delivery of the preferred option and manage the implementation stage. The timeline for the contract is detailed below: ITQ opening date Wednesday 5th June 2024. ITQ closing date Friday 21st June 2024 at 12 noon Evaluation process to be completed by Friday 28th June 2024. Formal approval by Council will be at the Full Council meeting on Tuesday 2nd July 2024. Winning supplier contacted no later than Wednesday 3rd July 2024. The start date for the contract is to be Monday 8th July 2024. The ITQ and all accompanying documents MUST be addressed, in the ordinary course of post, PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL to: Deputy Town Clerk, Bridgnorth Town Council, College House, 4 St Leonards Close, Bridgnorth, WV16 4EJ To arrive no later than Friday 21st June 2024 at 12 noon. ITQ's received after noon on that date will NOT be considered.


Publish date

10 months ago

Close date

9 months ago

Buyer information

Bridgnorth Town Council

Ros Williams

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