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The Grove Woodland Project



55,000 GBP


The tender and all accompanying documents shall be carefully sealed an envelope and marked 'Woodland Project' and be delivered to: The Town Clerk, Bridgnorth Town Council, College House, St Leonard's Close, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV16 4EJ To arrive later than noon on Monday 7th December 2020 Tenders received after noon on that date will NOT be considered. The Works shall comprise of the design and installation of a new woodland walkway with various items of play equipment and a seating area at the Lodge Lane Play Park, Bridgnorth. The contractor shall include for the design and installation of all materials and commodities, preparation of working drawings, preparation of "as fixed" drawings, testing and commissioning of the complete installation all of which shall be designed and installed in line with this Specification, and in conjunction with The Town Council's programme of works. The attached photo shows the selected site area. Site visits should be arranged through this office. Summary of the Works Supply and Install a new woodland pathway, play equipment, fencing and seating area at Lodge Lane Play Area, Bridgnorth. To supply the most innovative woodland walkway with robust play equipment and picnic area within the agreed budget of £60,000. To provide level areas for play equipment and seating area, underlay with geotextile membrane and to provide a safe play surface at all play stations and seating area. Provide and lay approximately 125lm of edging for walkway. Supply and fit 40lm of 1.2m high post and rail fencing. 2no half-round rails nailed to posts set at 1.8m centres. Provide and fit 1no equipment illustration/information board. Provide and fit 1no bespoke archway at entrance. Provide all security fencing and safety signs for the duration of the project. Provide skip for removal of site waste (if required). Provide a secure lock up for the duration of the project. Provide welfare facilities for workforce for the duration of the project. Reinstate and make good any damage to grass and surrounding area, feather old to new and grass seed. General Requirements Bridgnorth Town Council will expect the equipment and the completed installation to be of a high standard and that the equipment complies with European Standard EN 1176 and that the safety surfacing complies with EN 1177. The contractor is to ensure compliance with Construction (Design and Management) Regulations2015 (CDD), and the project manager is to take due consideration of the Health and Safety at work Act 1974. The contractor will also be responsible for organising a ROSPA inspection on completion before acceptance by the Council. Drawings and Work Schedules and Certification The Contractor shall provide the following before and on completion of the Project. As fitted' drawings shall show the finished design, including any reinstatement. (ii) ROSPA certification.


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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Bridgnorth Town Council

Barry Ince

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