PHW-MINI-55248 - Public Health Wales - NDR – pilot projects and local cloud architecture
Pre-market engagement None Work done so far none Which phase the project is in Not started Existing team Dafydd James Head of Digital and Data Services (Security) Dr Louisa Nolan Head of Data Science Fliss Bennee Head of Data Simon Thomas IT Operations Lead Michael Clayton Technical Services Manager Vondy Smith Advanced Data Engineer Paul Bridges 365 Engineering Lead Address where the work will be done We expect working will be hybrid and mostly remote, but for in person meetings we nominate Number 2 Capital Quarter 3rd Floor Tyndall Street Cardiff CF10 4BZ Working arrangements Our partners are welcome to work alongside us in our offices if they are based nearby. Otherwise we expect the majority of the work to be able to be done remotely, with face to face sessions to be agreed during onboarding. Typically we might want to meet in person for our inception, where we can also arrange handover of hardware and agree ways of working through our sprints. Travel and subsistence should be included in the bid. Provide more information about your security requirements: No security clearance needed Latest start date 2024-01-22 Enter the expected contract length: 3 months Are you prepared to show your budget details?: Yes Indicative maximum: 240400 Confirm if you require a contracted out service or supply of resource Contracted out service: the off-payroll rules do not apply Summary of work Public Health Wales is seeking a partner to conduct a discovery and alpha exercise on our available cloud environments. The environments are Google Cloud Platform, as part of the National Data Resource, and Microsoft Azure, which is a PHW space. The work in both cloud spaces should run in parallel. Existing Azure Landing Zone The partner would be tasked with reviewing the current configuration, to understand what our needs are, align this with our strategy, and provide a roadmap for next steps. They will provide recommendations on whether we should continue with Azure, use a different provider for our local cloud platform, or move to using only the National Data Resource (NDR) Google Cloud Platform to meet our needs Depending on the outcome of the discovery, and the time and funding available, we may also want to make improvements to the Azure platform. An important part of the work will be knowledge exchange, so that our team is able to understand and implement recommendations. We would like the partner to work alongside key people within Digital Services and our Data, Knowledge and Research Directorate to deliver a roadmap which sets out the next steps for our local cloud provision: • Identify our requirements and a strategic direction on how we best design, implement and consume cloud service offerings from Azure • Is the current configuration fit for purpose and the most cost effective, compared with other configurations and other cloud providers? • Security assessment of the current platform and identify any governance processes and arrangements needed. • Discover Change Controls, Risk Analysis and Incident Management to adopt cloud services. • Do we have the resources in house to support all areas of the Landing Zone (Azure Administration, Networking & Security, Data Engineering)? • Identify a strategy for PHW data and what analytical tools are available. Advise on a common platform that could be used across multiple services. • Define roles & responsibilities. • Strategy for onboarding public facing apps which are secure by design whilst maintaining connectivity from on premise for configuration and support. • Advise on an ongoing funding model. • Controls needed to adhere with NIST and the Cyber Assessment Framework During the discovery tasks would involve working closely with our technical team to help document and provide knowledge transfer on the current design or any proposed changes, so that the team can effectively progress the discovery recommendations. National Data Resource Google Cloud Platform PHW has been given access to a slice of the NDR. We have a series of pilot projects – ingesting data, building automated pipelines, advanced analytics – that we want to run, so that we understand how well the platform meets our needs, and what (if anything) needs to be provisioned in our local cloud platform. This work will include: • Support for our teams in getting pilot projects up and running • Advising and potentially implementing secure data flows • Understanding governance and process requirements • Knowledge transfer to our digital and data teams • Define roles and responsibilities • A roadmap and recommendations for the next steps Agile coaching for our teams and individuals is an important and ongoing need, and we would like to partner with an organisation that can provide this as part of the contract. Where the supplied staff will work Wales Where the supplied staff will work No specific location (for example they can work remotely) Who the organisation using the products or services is PUBLIC HEALTH WALES NHS TRUST Why the work is being done Public Health Wales has started its cloud journey. We want to be clear about our requirements and next steps for local cloud provision, and we also need support to develop our use of the national data resource (NDR), hosted by DHCW on Google Cloud Platform. We are seeking support for a discovery and alpha phase to look at our current configurations (local and NDR platform) and how we move from prem to hybrid and perhaps to cloud first in our digital infrastructure, while meeting user needs and the requirements of the organisation. The business problem you need to solve Local platform • Conduct a full configuration review and provide recommendations. Assist in providing ‘Cloud Security Baselines’ for deployed resources. • Threat and Vulnerability Management. The need to adopt a ‘defence in depth’ approach. NDR platform • PHW data scientists and analysts supported to run a set of pilot projects on the NDR platform • An understanding of how well the NDR meets our user needs • A roadmap and recommendations for next steps for PHW’s use of the NDR platform • An understanding of data flows and connectivity between different cloud platforms and our on-premises infrastructure, aligned to data and digital standards, including cyber security considerations Both local and NDR platforms • Identify (and potentially implement) any quick wins. • Analysis of skills and expertise required to support its usage – both in the digital services team, and in data science and analytics teams who will use the platform. • Knowledge transfer – the PHW teams should be confident to take forward the recommendations of the discoveries, the PHW data science and analytics teams should be confident in using the cloud provision • Recommendations for PHW governance and processes for use of the cloud platforms • The work and deliverables should meet the Welsh digital service standards, and we should be meeting the principles laid out in the Public Health Wales digital and data strategy. We would also specifically require • Agile delivery coach, to coach teams and team leaders in Agile delivery Although we do not specifically require individuals to be security checked, we expect all members of our partner team to have undergone appropriate checks and training within their organisation. Our partners must hold either ISO27001 or Cyber Essentials Plus certification. They will also need to apply for a code of connection to NHS Wales and work closely with us to ensure the safety and protection of sensitive information throughout our partnership. First user type: Data Scientist First user type: Developer First user type: Data Analyst First user type: Data Analyst First user type: Data Engineer First user type: Data Security Manager First user type: Head of Data First user type: Data Analyst / Scientist First user type: Head of Data Science Enter more details about this user type: As a data scientist I need access to data and enough processing power to run large calculations Enter more details about this user type: As a developer, I need to contribute to and understand the components so that I can maintain and improve them Enter more details about this user type: As an analyst I need to have the tools to analyse the data securely and on time Enter more details about this user type: As an analyst, I need to be able to automate pipelines so I can spend my time analysing. Enter more details about this user type: As a data engineer, I need to have clean data coming into my data sets, so that I can maintain data quality Enter more details about this user type: As a data security manager, I need the components to be secure and well understood, so that they can be trusted to handle personally identifiable information in a safe and legal way Enter more details about this user type: As head of data, I need to ensure that there is enough space for the amount of data being processed, and that the space can scale to meet the needs and budget of the organisation. Enter more details about this user type: As a data analyst, I need to be able to develop and automate secure data flows and analysis, and publish externally. Enter more details about this user type: As Head of Data Science, I need my teams of analysts and data scientists to be able to securely and efficiently access and process data, and have access to the tools and compute to run complex models, to meet the needs of our users in a timely way. Questions and Clarifications 0. Hello there, We can see from attachment 1 statement of requirements that the value is given as: £240400. Could you please confirm that this is: two hundred and forty thousand, four hundred pounds. Or if there is an error/typo in the value given That is correct Last Updated: <strong>22 December 2023, 20:44</strong> 1. Please could we submit the following Clarification Question: Please could you confirm that there will be no Social Value aspect to this procurement, at either stage? yes, that is correct, there will be no Social Value aspect to this procurement, at either stage. Last Updated: <strong>03 January 2024, 09:27</strong> 2. Dear Procurement Team, Please can you review and consider extending the following timelines: 1) The timeline to complete Stage 2 of the process. The current timeline is only from 4pm 15/01/24 to 12pm 19/01/24 2) The timeline from contract award and contract start. The current timeline is for all of this to happen by 4pm 22/01/24 Any clarification will be greatly appreciated. Unfortunately, this is a hard stop for us, although we acknowledge that the dates are tight. Last Updated: <strong>04 January 2024, 10:36</strong> 3. In relation to the question regarding experience of developing in a mixed team made up of partner and client members on equal footing : Can you confirm the balance between architectural evaluation, and required support for pilot implementation activity, given the timescales? • We’re intending to use the pilots to test the architecture, tools and processes on the National Data Resource (NDR) platform (owned and managed by DHCW), and in parallel to assess and develop our local cloud capabilities and needs, potentially with a small alpha. We will require people who can work with data scientists, analysts and engineers, to help us work out how to do what we need to do, and the associated costs. Cloud project managers and architects etc will be required from the successful bidder, we will provide our own data scientists, data engineers and analysts into the project. Last Updated: <strong>04 January 2024, 10:37</strong> 4. What level of depth is required in defining the current technical architecture, the target hybrid cloud service architecture and any key elements such as data ingestion pipelines? • Following an architectural review, we have C1 and C2 documentation for local architecture. The NDR platform architecture – which has just been built – has been fully documented by the NDR architects at DHCW. We would want full documentation for our pilot projects, and to work with the successful partner to learn how to design and document well on cloud platforms. Last Updated: <strong>04 January 2024, 10:37</strong> 5. Can you confirm that the 750 character count is for the whole response or does this relate to each individual question? We dont set the 750 limit it is CCS so you would need to clarify with them Last Updated: <strong>04 January 2024, 10:38</strong> 6. The RFP (Attachment 3) details seven 'Essential skills and experience' questions that must be responded to for Stage 1 to which the Supplier must respond using the mandated text box which follows the questions. Does the character limit (of 750 characters included spaces) apply to each of the Supplier's responses to questions 1 to 7 or to the combined total for all 7 questions? We do not set the 750 limit is it CCS please clarify with them Last Updated: <strong>04 January 2024, 10:41</strong> 7. Please can you clarify the response limit is correct as per Attachment 3. Please confirm we have 750 characters (including spaces) to address all 7 questions in the essential skills and experience. Plus a further 750 characters (including spaces) to address the 4 questions in the Nice to have skills and experience? This gives limited space to provide a sufficiently detailed response As previously stated we do not set the 750 limit it is CCS themselves therefore any clarification needed around this limit will need to be clarified with them Last Updated: <strong>04 January 2024, 13:40</strong> 8. Please can you provide further information on your strategy as defined in Attachment 1 - Summary of work - paragraph 2 and links to any publicly available documents. Here are links to our digital and data strategy, and our long-term strategy • Public Health Wales Digital and Data Strategy • Our Long-Term Strategy 2023 to 2035 Last Updated: <strong>04 January 2024, 14:57</strong> 9. - Please can you provide further information on what is meant by local cloud platform? Is this a combination of hosting on public & private cloud, on premises or your instance on public cloud? • We have our own (public) Azure sub subscription tied to the national NHS Wales tenancy/subscription. • We do have a link from DHCW into our Azure Landing Zone configuration but it is not being used at present – reviewing this will be part of the project. Last Updated: <strong>04 January 2024, 14:58</strong> 10. What is the precise requirement for Welsh language during the delivery (if in addition to those stipulated in the Welsh Digital Service Standard)? Here is our Welsh Language statement. Public Health Wales is a bilingual organisation, following operational standards which deal with the way in which Public Health Wales uses Welsh internally and promotes the concept of a bilingual workplace, affording employees some rights in relation to receiving their HR Service in Welsh. Last Updated: <strong>04 January 2024, 14:59</strong> 11. Attachment 1 of the RFP details a number of Stage 2 questions regarding Technical criteria, Cultural fit and Social value but states that these will only need to be completed by Suppliers who are down selected. Please confirm that the Supplier does not have to respond to these Stage 2 questions at this initial stage (i.e. Stage 1) of the process? This is correct, the Supplier does not need to respond to these Stage 2 questions during Stage 1. Last Updated: <strong>04 January 2024, 15:00</strong> 12. Attachment 3 of the RFP details the Essential skills and experience' questions and Nice-to-have skills and experience questions that the Supplier must complete but includes no table or spreadsheet for any pricing submission. Please confirm where and in what format should the pricing be provided? Please include a fully costed and transparent breakdown of proposed costs Last Updated: <strong>04 January 2024, 15:00</strong> 13. how much time will be given to submit Stage 2 answers? The closing date for written proposals from shortlisted applications (Stage 2) is 19 January 2023, 16:00 Last Updated: <strong>04 January 2024, 15:02</strong> 14. We understand that there is a character limit on the Supplier responses, but is it acceptable to include attachments within our responses CCS set the character limit, so I’m not sure this is possible. We will only review what is within the character limit. Last Updated: <strong>04 January 2024, 15:03</strong> 15. Are there pre-defined architectural patterns that you must follow to consume NDP? The National Data Resource (NDR) programme is led by DHCW, who have built the architecture for the platform. The strategy is published here. PHW has a ‘slice’ of that platform, and we will need to follow agreed data and digital standards, including the Digital Service Standards for Wales for any work we do there and on our local cloud infrastructure. One of the areas we are keen to explore is what DHCW will be responsible for building and maintaining, and what the scope for PHW to do so is. This will include processes and management, as well as architecture. Last Updated: <strong>05 January 2024, 08:54</strong> 16. Regarding Q3, does the term 'bridging' refer to a) transitioning from one cloud service provider to another; or b) building/operating a multi-cloud environment? Operating a multi-cloud environment Last Updated: <strong>08 January 2024, 11:34</strong> 17. The portal gives us the opportunity to upload a document as a response. However, the ITT documents / clarification questions reference a 750 word count. Could you please confirm whether we just upload a document or there is a separate portal with boxes to fill in? The submission we can see also doesn't make clear what is needed for Stage 1 and Stage 2. Could you clarify? You can upload a document but it must conform with the work count. As part of stage 1 you need to provide a response to the essential and nice-to-have requirement questions by the requested deadline. You are requested to provide an individual response against each of the questions. Each response should not exceed 750 characters in length (the equivalent of about 150 words). Last Updated: <strong>08 January 2024, 14:05</strong>
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