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PHW-MIN-57836 - Digital Diabetes Discovery



Pre-market engagement None Work done so far Diabetes Register and Data Discoveries and the Diabetic Eye Screening Discovery and Alpha. Documents can be provided for these to the successful bidder. Which phase the project is in Not applicable Existing team Dr Louisa Nolan, Head of Data Science Fliss Bennee, Head of Data Monika Swiatek, Principal Service Designer Address where the work will be done We expect working will be hybrid and mostly remote, but for in person meetings we nominate Number 2 Capital Quarter 3rd Floor Tyndall Street Cardiff CF10 4BZ Working arrangements Our partners are welcome to work alongside us in our offices if they are based nearby. Otherwise, we expect the majority of the work to be able to be done remotely, with face-to-face sessions to be agreed during onboarding. Typically, we might want to meet in person for our inception, where we can also arrange handover of hardware and agree ways of working through our sprints. Travel and subsistence should be included in the bid. Provide more information about your security requirements: No security clearance needed Latest start date 2025-01-16 Enter the expected contract length: 2 months Special terms and conditions none Are you prepared to show your budget details?: No Indicative maximum: n/a Indicative minimum: n/a Provide further information: Contract to be inclusive of all expenses. Confirm if you require a contracted out service or supply of resource Contracted out service: the off-payroll rules do not apply Summary of work Public Health Wales seeks a partner for a discovery into the potential for digital and telecare/telehealth solutions for Type 2 diabetes self-management in Wales. The number of people living with Type 2 diabetes is growing too fast to be effectively supported by existing approaches to diabetes management. Digital solutions could supplement or replace traditional approaches, and support more effective self-management. These include wearable devices, mobile applications and telecare and primary care remote support and advice. Some tools are already in use in Wales. The outputs will be a review and recommendations for adopting, scaling up or improving digital cost-effective self-management solutions for diabetes self-management, including the groups these are likely to work/not work for e.g. working people, older people, protected characteristics, rural/urban populations etc. The discovery should cover the 8 care processes, diabetic eye screening and educational tools. Section 4 lists the 8 care processes. Not all of these lend themselves to digital solutions. One of the first tasks will be to identify which are out of scope. Digital tools already in use in Wales include: MyDesmond, PocketMedic, Living with Type 2 diabetes. Stakeholders The relationships between Public Health Wales, the Wales Clinical Network for Diabetes, Welsh Government, Digital Health and Care Wales and Tec Cymru are key. Each of these organisations holds accountability for a different aspect of this work. The project requires excellent collaboration with stakeholders delivering diabetes care and with different groups that use or might use digital approaches to the care processes, diabetic eye screening, and diabetes education tools. This includes people with diabetes, health and social care workers who support them and family and carers. This should cover digital inclusion. Where the supplied staff will work Wales Where the supplied staff will work No specific location (for example they can work remotely) Who the organisation using the products or services is Public Health Wales Why the work is being done Public Health Wales, as part of the Tackling Diabetes Together Programme, would like to understand the opportunities and challenges for digital solutions to the self-management of Type 2 diabetes, and integration with the patient clinical record. The project will cover the 8 diabetes care processes, diabetic eye screening and educational tools. The business problem you need to solve The aims of this discovery are to: • Develop a statement of user need for digital diabetes solutions for the self-management of Type 2 diabetes in Wales • Identify and review the digital Type 2 diabetes self-management tools already in use Wales: o What is the current take-up of these tools? o What is the evidence for their effectiveness? o What are the opportunities and barriers to take up? o What are the impacts on inequalities and inequity of current and potentially increased take-up of these tools? o What is the impact on carbon footprint? • Review other potential digital solutions for the self-management of Type 2 diabetes, not already in use in Wales: o What is the current take-up of these tools where they are in use elsewhere? o What is the evidence for their effectiveness? o What are the opportunities and barriers to take up? o What would be the impacts on inequalities and inequity of using these tools? o What would be the impact on carbon footprint? • Assess the need for the development of new tools, if current tools do not sufficiently meet user needs. • Review other countries’ approaches. • Develop recommendations, based on user needs, for adopting, improving, or scaling up digital solutions that provide cost-effective improvement to self-management of Type 2 diabetes in Wales, including which groups digital tools are likely to work or not work for. We expect the successful bidder to develop a prioritized work plan, and to work with PHW to review those priorities as the project develops. First user type: Member of the public First user type: Someone living with Type 2 diabetes First user type: Someone caring for another person living with Type 2 diabetes First user type: Service provider First user type: Clinician First user type: GP First user type: Dietician First user type: Community Nurse First user type: Health planner First user type: Analyst First user type: Evaluator First user type: Service designer First user type: Digital product owner First user type: Communications and Engagement Questions and Clarifications 0. Please can we check who the end user is. Public Health Wales Last Updated: <strong>28 November 2024, 13:10</strong> 1. Please could you clarify the timelines for stage 2? The table in the SoR says Stage 2 docs are released on 17-Dec with submission on the 20-Dec which is presumably a mistake. The dates are correct Last Updated: <strong>28 November 2024, 13:07</strong> 2. With a 40% price weighting, please can you share the budget for this project, or a budget range. 50000 Last Updated: <strong>28 November 2024, 13:09</strong> 3. Can you clarify the anticipated length/duration for the Discovery project, and any key milestones (e.g. review milestons, completion date) please? "6 - 8 weeks Work must be competed by 31 March 2024 We would expect the successful bidder to propose a plan, which we would meet to discuss progress on regularly, probably weekly. As a guide, we would expect an outline of the review and recommendations document at least 4 weeks before the end of the project, and a draft at least 2 weeks before the end, in time for the successful bidder to act on feedback. These dates will be reviewed with PHW as the project progresses." Last Updated: <strong>28 November 2024, 13:12</strong> 4. Supplier presentations are scheduled at the same time as the stage 2 written proposal deadline, presumably before any evaluation of the written proposals will have taken place. If this is accurate, can you confirm therefore that all those submitting proposals for Stage 2 will be giving presentations? There are no supplier presentations Last Updated: <strong>28 November 2024, 13:13</strong> 5. I have a clarification questions regarding this opportunity. For Nice to have question, 4. "Knowledge of NHS Wales" – is there a reason for this being specifically focused on Wales, or would knowledge of NHS England or Scotland be equally acceptable? Many thanks Health is a devloved matter, so each of the UK's 4 nations will have evolved different structures, governance, processes, infrastructure, approaches etc. Specific knowledge of NHS Wales is most helpful. Having said that, experience in the NHS of England or Scotland is also useful, so please do describe this here. Last Updated: <strong>28 November 2024, 15:57</strong> 6. For stage 1 responses, there are 6-question in 'essential' and 4 questions in 'nice to have'. At the bottom of each of the 2 sections it has a single answer box stipulating '750 character including spaces' to respond in. Please can you clarify whether you are allowing up to 750 characters including spaces for each of the 6 questions in the 'essential' and an additional 750 characters including spaces for the 4 questions in 'nice to have'? If the submission is looking for 750 characters to cover all 6 questions in 'essential' and another 750 characters to cover the 4 questions in 'nice to have - this will be difficult with an allowance of about 190 words for both responses We do not set the character limit on the portal it is CCS therefore you would need to contact CCS regarding the spaces ect. - Thank you Last Updated: <strong>05 December 2024, 08:08</strong> 7. Dear Team, We kindly seek clarification on the following: 1: Would Public Health Wales grant a week extension to the submission deadline? 2: Are you able to share any existing discovery documentation or publicly available programme material? This would be helpful for us to craft a more precise response. 1. to meet our deadlines, we cannot extend the deadline for submission. 2. the digital diabetes discovery is part of the the Tackling Diabetes Together Programme, which is described here: We will provide further internal documents to the successful bidder, as set out in the statement of requirements. Digital toools already in use in Wales include: Digital tools already in use for self-management in Wales include: MyDesmond, PocketMedic, Living with Type 2 diabetes. Last Updated: <strong>05 December 2024, 08:15</strong> 8. We'd like to raise a follow-up to the clarification question on Stage 2 timelines: We note that the CCS guidance to Buyers using this framework says, "Ten working days is generally considered to be the minimum timescale for a supplier to respond to the further assessment stage. You can review the procurement timeline you entered when you first published your requirements, and adjust to reflect any changes." However, with publication of the further assessment documents scheduled for 4pm on 17-Dec and the submission deadline for written proposals of 12 noon on 20-Dec, this leaves shortlisted suppliers with approximately 2.5 days to complete their further assessment proposals. Please could you confirm if it is your intention to keep to these timescales and if so, the reasons for such a short response window. We have a tight schedule over Christmas, to ensure that work can start in time to be completed by the end of the Financial Year. However, we will share the relevant documents for stage 2 with the shortlisted suppliers at 16:00 on December 16th, instead of 16:00 on the 17 Dec. Last Updated: <strong>03 December 2024, 09:09</strong> 9. We believe the timetable of activities is not realistic for the suppliers and also not realistic for PHW. One day for PHW to make a short listing decision is not realistic, and it isn’t realistic for a supplier to provide a high quality answer and get through internal governance procedures in the four-day timeline suggested. Are PHW able to consider a more realistic timetable? The deadline for response is 9th Dec we will finalise the evaluation by the 16th, which gives us one week, where we have ensured we will have time to complete the evaluation. We have a tight schedule over Christmas, to ensure that work can start in time to be completed by the end of the Financial Year. Last Updated: <strong>03 December 2024, 09:10</strong> 10. Can you please clarify what you consider sustained change with regards to this question please? Can you provide evidence of sustained change in the healthcare sector as a result of your discovery? 'Sustained change' means that the change continues to be in use and add benefit long beyond the end of the project or programme. A pilot or discovery would not be a sustained change. Last Updated: <strong>03 December 2024, 10:05</strong> 11. Working with stakeholders: Can you elaborate on the priorities or expectations of each key stakeholder group (e.g., Public Health Wales, Wales Clinical Network for Diabetes, Welsh Government, etc.)? Are there any known tensions or areas requiring particular focus to align these perspectives effectively? We’ve worked on projects where differing priorities have needed aligning, so we’d like to understand how best to navigate this early on. Tackling diabetes is a priority for the Welsh Government and health system. Currently, there are pressures on resources and finance across the system, and any engagement should be mindful of that. We can discuss specifics in more detail with the successful bidder. Last Updated: <strong>05 December 2024, 11:17</strong> 12. Could you please clarify whether the scope of the project covers all regions of Wales, including considerations for patients in border areas such as mid-Wales, where access to healthcare services may be more limited? Additionally, how should cross-border patient pathways into England be accounted for in the discovery process? The remit of the work is to provide recommendations for organisations within the Welsh system, and we would expect stakeholder engagement to involve those who are in the Welsh health and care system. However, we would encourage the inclusion of published evidence from other countries, where that might be relevant in a Welsh context. Last Updated: <strong>05 December 2024, 08:12</strong> 13. Inclusivity and reaching everyone: Have you noticed any groups, such as older people or those in rural areas, struggling to access current digital tools? In our past projects, we’ve tackled similar issues with seldom-heard communities and want to ensure our approach factors in this thinking. "There is evidence in the literature on uptake of digital tools, for example: & references therin. The ability to afford data, availability of internet connection, and being older can have an impact on digital inclusion, and there is no one solution which is likely to suit all groups of people. Our question is whether we could expand the use of digital tools to some people, and to understand the characteristics of those for whom this is not a solution, to help with the planning of services." Last Updated: <strong>05 December 2024, 11:19</strong> 14. Measuring success: What does success look like for you—from the discvery and beyond—higher uptake, better health outcomes, or something else? We’ve seen how setting clear measures early on helps drive lasting results and would like to focus our efforts on what matters most to you "Our goals for the Tackling Diabetes Together Programme, of which this is a workstream are to: 1 Have more people living well with diabetes as measured through a reduction in amputations and other diabetes pathways 2 Have turned the corner and stopped the increasing prevalence of diabetes We want to know increased adoption of digital tools can improve the self-management of diabetes at the population level, to tackle both goals." Last Updated: <strong>05 December 2024, 11:21</strong> 15. Existing tools: Are there specific issues with tools like MyDesmond or PocketMedic, such as connecting with patient records or being widely adopted? We’ve worked on projects where integrating existing NHS systems was crucial, and we’d like to apply that learning here One of the goals of the project is to understand any exisiting issues with digital tools already in use in Wales. We are also interested in the opportunities presented by development of the NHS app to support diabetes self-management. Last Updated: <strong>05 December 2024, 11:22</strong> 16. Exploring new ideas: Are there particular kinds of digital solutions you’re curious about testing, or areas where innovation might be limited? For example, we’ve supported projects exploring new approaches like video and personalised support, and would like to align our thinking with yours We would like to include a wide exploration of potential solutions, not limited to those already in use in Wales at present, ideally including telemedicine and wearables. Last Updated: <strong>2024-12-05T11:26:39.11121Z</strong> 17. Can you please confirm if the limit stated within the document of 750 characters is for each section or each question within the 2 sections? The limit of 750 characters is for each question within the sections Last Updated: <strong>05 December 2024, 11:28</strong> 18. 1 Re: What is the evidence for their effectiveness? -- Is there an expected sample size for this evidence? Are there preferred methodologies? Are you expecting the supplier to undertake primary research to gather this evidence? 2 Re: Develop a user needs statement – has there already been work done on user needs? Is the supplier expected to undertake primary research with users? If so, can you give an indication of the user groups you would like covered? 3 Re: "One of the goals of the project is to understand any exisiting issues with digital tools already in use in Wales. We are also interested in the opportunities presented by development of the NHS app to support diabetes self-management." – do you have a view / connections to the roadmap with NHS app development - are these part of the stakeholder group you want us to engage with? 4 Re overall approach: Do you have a preference for the different research methodologies you would like to use across the project? "1.We do not expect the supplier to undertake primary research / evaluation. We expect the supplier to review the published evidence, and undertake stakeholder and user engagement activities to understand barriers to / oportunities for increased take up. 2. We'd expect the supplier to undertake user needs assessment with users and potential users of digital tools for the self-management of diabetes. User groups would include people living with diabetes andtheir families and carers, with a range of different characteristics (for example, age, gender, rural/urban, deprivation levels, ethnicity, language etc). It also includes those delivering diabetes management services, including health care workers, dieticians, etc. We would expect the successful bidder to propose an effective way to approach this within the time and finance available. 3.The NHS app developers will be important stakeholders for this work. We would like to better understandthe effectiveness and feasibility of delivering diabetes self-management through the app. 4.We would expect the successful bidder to use established user research methodologies to engage directly with stakeholders to establish user needs, opportunities and challenges. We would expect the successful bidder to adequately justify any methodologies chosen." Last Updated: <strong>06 December 2024, 09:15</strong>


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