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Media monitoring service to provide our daily press cuttings service and monitor for all UKHSA mentions in press and online media.
Lot 1:
Media monitoring service to provide our daily press cuttings service and monitor for all UKHSA mentions in press and...
The reason for this notice is to notify the market that National Highways have awarded the SEDPSNH-0008- Management of 3m Tree’s Project contract to a member of the Social Enterprise Dynamic Purchasing System.
Lot 1:
National Highways is looking to appoi...
The tender project is seeking to appoint a Contractor whose initiative and innovation will be welcomed for the provision of service within the existing facilities for the 1697 students on roll in our secondary school and 188 in our primary school and 270 ...
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The Scottish Government is establishing a collaborative Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Requirements Reserved for Supported Businesses. A key objective of this DPS is to continue to provide the Scottish public sector and third sector bodies a straight...
Birmingham Diocesan Multi Academy Trust (BDMAT) is a West Midlands based Trust of 18 primary schools and one secondary school- located in Birmingham and Warwickshire.
BDMAT is seeking a catering partner to manage catering services from 1st August 2025 acr...
The school is putting its catering contract out to tender with a contract start date of 1st September 2025 (TBC)
Lot 1:
Pupil Numbers:
Nursery 15 (is AM only)
KS1 87
KS2 116
Total 218
UIFSM - Entitled: 87 / Uptake: 81 (census day) / Value:...
University Schools Trust (UST) seeks to appoint a Contractor whose skills, experience and attributes align with the Trusts Vision and Values. As a small Trust of 4 Schools, the Trust is actively looking to grow and are engaged in discussions with a range ...
Wensum Trust are looking for a single supplier to provide catering services for their member schools across the Norfolk area.
Lot 1:
Wensum Trust are looking for a single supplier to provide catering services for their member schools across the Norfolk a...
The successful Supplier will be required to provide Catering services across eleven primary Schools spearheaded by Michael Unsworth Trust COO, at Kingfisher Learning Trust.
The Board of Management of Scoil Chlochair Mhuire is seeking proposals for the provision of Catering Services under the School Meals Scheme through the Department of Social Protection (DSP) and is dependent on the level of DSP funding approved for “2025- ...
We highlight data on buying trends and current opportunities for suppliers to get involved in with various central, local and third party government organisations. Browse them below: