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North East Scotland College tenders and contracts

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Aberdeen, United Kingdom

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Further and Higher EducationFurther Education College

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North East Scotland College tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published 26 days ago

    Framework for the Provision of Associate Trainers 2025

    price-tag-icon50,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 01/04/2025

    Procurement procedure to establish a network of Associate Trainers for course provision at North East Scotland College, as per requirements stated in the Invitation to Tender document Lot 1: Project Management Provision of training courses/programmes rela...


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Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
Abacus Coaching LtdYes24View awards
Kalor Consultancy LtdYes12View awards
Academia LtdNo5View awards
Deveron Coaches LtdYes5View awards
Watermill Coaches LtdYes5View awards

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