Hopwood Hall College tenders and contracts
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Manchester, United Kingdom
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Further and Higher EducationFE College with HE Courses
Hopwood Hall College tenders & contracts
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Decision makers at Hopwood Hall College
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C-level & Execs
Exec Director for Finance & Estates
Redacted nameFinance, Operationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891VP-Quality, HR & Student Experience
Redacted nameEducator, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Vice Principal- Curriculum
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Viuce Principal-Apprenticeships & Future Skills
Redacted nameService Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Exec Director for Performance, Planning & IT
Redacted nameIT & Digital, Operations, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Executive Director - People Culture & Wellbeing
Redacted nameMarketing, Communications & Sales, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891
Programme Manager-Access & Teacher Training
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Programme Manager-Creative Arts & Media
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Exams Manager
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Student & College Services Manager
Redacted nameAdmin & Support, IT & Digital, Operations, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891EDI Manager
Redacted nameHR & Training, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Programme Manager - Sport
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Centre Dir-Creative Arts, Media,ESOL & Comm Lrnng
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Prg Mngr-Childhood Studies & Uniformed Public Ser
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Asst Dir-Academic & Higher Technical Education
Redacted nameEducator, HR & Trainingredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Programme Manager-Skills for Life
Redacted nameEducator, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Student Experience Manager
Redacted nameService Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Programme Manager-Electrical Auto Security
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Programme Manager-Practical Construction Skills
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Programme Manager - English & Maths
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Centre Director - English & Maths
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Programme Manager-Maths
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891MIS Manager
Redacted nameIT & Digitalredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Clerk to the Corporation
Redacted nameUncategorisedredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Programme Manager-Hair & Beauty/Catering
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Asst Principal-Vocational & Foundation Learning
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Safeguarding & Wellbeing Manager
Redacted nameLegal & Compliance, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Facilities & Risk Management
Redacted nameLegal & Compliance, Operationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Learning Support
Redacted nameEducator, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Programme Mngr-Advanced Engineering Technologies
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Programme Manager - Health & Social Care
Redacted nameEducator, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Asst Principal-Advanced & Emerging Tech & Cnstrtn
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Quality
Redacted nameService Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Centre Director-Business, Sport & Animal Managment
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of IT
Redacted nameIT & Digitalredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Centre Dir-Health, Childhood Studies & Cmmrcl Ser
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Programme Manager - Science, HE & IT
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Human Resources Manager
Redacted nameHR & Trainingredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Communications & Marketing
Redacted nameMarketing, Communications & Salesredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Programme Manager - ICT & BIT
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Programme Manager-Animal Care & Equine
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Asst Exec Director for Finance & Estates
Redacted nameFinanceredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Programme Manager - ESOL
Redacted nameEducator, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Director of Apprenticeships & Employer Engagement
Redacted nameService Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891
Top suppliers to Hopwood Hall College
Explore relationships between Hopwood Hall College and suppliers to understand where partner opportunities exist, and competitor incumbents prevail.
Supplier name | SME? | Number of awards | View awards |
Yelloway Coaches Limited | No | 18 | View awards |
GB Kits Ltd | Yes | 5 | View awards |
Thermo Electron Manufacturing Limited | No | 3 | View awards |
ICCA Education Training and Skills | Yes | 3 | View awards |
FE Protect Ltd | Yes | 3 | View awards |
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Explore topics of interest to Hopwood Hall College
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- Construction work
- IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
- Refurbishment work
- Architectural and related services
- Refuse and waste related services
- Architectural design services
- Insurance services
- Grounds maintenance services
- Structural engineering consultancy services
- Mechanical and electrical engineering services
- Quantity surveying services
- Auditing services
- Overhaul and refurbishment work
- Electrical services
- Printing and related services
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