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Specialised Services for Homeless Patients & Asylum Seekers and Special Allocation Scheme - Market Engagement



This is an advertisement for soft market testing to gauge market interest which will influence future commissioning and procurement direction. NHS Midlands & Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit (ML CSU) are supporting the Commissioner NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board (LLR ICB) to seek expressions of interest and feedback on the following draft service specifications for: • Homeless Service • Asylum Seekers Service • Special Allocation Scheme The aim of these services is to deliver primary medical services (essential and additional) to these patients in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland who meet the specification criteria. The main benefits and expected outcomes are: • Equity of access and quality of the services across Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland. • Ensuring value for money and the most efficient use of available resources across the health and social care economy. • Promoting and ensuring a positive patient experience. The role of LLR ICB is to develop a plan to meet the health needs of the population and to arrange and manage the budget for the provision of NHS services in LLR. The LLR ICB is part of the integrated care system (ICS) with partners in LLR and will deliver a health and care system that tackles inequalities in health and improves the health, wellbeing and life experiences of our local population. Please find individual draft service specifications for all three services for your feedback as part of the soft market engagement exercise and to register your expressions of interest via the e-tendering system Atamis portal. The ICB would like to seek an understanding(against the three draft service specifications) as to what the market considers a good model for the services to determine the route which the ICB would wish to consider under the Provider Selection Regime Regulations; if there is anything further that should be included within the service specifications to ensure a suitable provision for this patient population, and whether a provider can deliver these services within the indicative cost envelopes below. The proposed contract length of each of the services will be on a 10 + 5 year contract. The indicative and proposed per annum and whole life contract values are as follows: Homeless Service: £728,614.00 per annum based on 2023/2024 figures £10,929,210.00 proposed 10+5 year contract length Asylum Seekers Service: £514,030.00 per annum based on 2023/2024 figures £7,710,450.00 proposed 10+5 year contract length Special Allocation Service: £51,242.00 per annum based on 2023/2024 figures £768,630.00 proposed 10+5 year contract length The ICB would like to gather the market views on a lotted procurement approach for the three services. This market engagement is not a call for competition. The closing date is 17:00 hours on 18th March 2024 via Atamis E-Tendering system for the the submission of your input and expressions of interest. Lot 1: This is an advertisement for soft market testing to gauge market interest which will influence future commissioning and procurement direction for NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board (ICB) NHS Midlands & Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit (ML CSU) are supporting the Commissioner NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board (LLR ICB) to seek expressions of interest and feedback on the following three draft service specifications for: • Homeless Service • Asylum Seekers Service • Special Allocation Scheme The aim of these services is to deliver primary medical services (essential and additional) to these patients in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland who meet the specification criteria. The main benefits and expected outcomes are: • Equity of access and quality of the services across Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland. • Ensuring value for money and the most efficient use of available resources across the health and social care economy. • Promoting and ensuring a positive patient experience. The role of LLR ICB is to develop a plan to meet the health needs of the population and to arrange and manage the budget for the provision of NHS services in LLR. The ICB is part of the integrated care system (ICS) with partners in LLR and will deliver a health and care system that tackles inequalities in health and improves the health, wellbeing and life experiences of our local population. Please find individual draft service specifications for all three services for your feedback as part of the soft market engagement exercise and to register your expressions of interest via the e-tendering system Atamis portal. The ICB would like to seek an understanding(against the three draft service specifications) as to what the market considers a good model for the services to determine the route which the ICB would wish to consider under the Provider Selection Regime Regulations; if there is anything further that should be included within the service specifications to ensure a suitable provision for this patient population, and whether a provider can deliver these services within the indicative cost envelopes below. The proposed contract length of each of the services will be on a 10 + 5 year contract. The indicative and proposed per annum and whole life contract values are as follows: Homeless Service: £728,614.00 per annum based on 2023/2024 figures £10,929,210.00 proposed 10+5 year contract length Asylum Seekers Service: £514,030.00 per annum based on 2023/2024 figures £7,710,450.00 proposed 10+5 year contract length Special Allocation Service: £51,242.00 per annum based on 2023/2024 figures £768,630.00 proposed 10+5 year contract length The ICB would like to gather the market views on a lotted procurement approach for the three services. The closing date is 17:00 hours on 18th March 2024 via Atamis E-Tendering system to submit your input and expressions and interest.


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a year ago

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NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board

Raj Sandhu

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