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NHS Midlands & Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit (ML CSU) on behalf of the Commissioners, NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board are looking to seek expressions of interest and feedback on the General Medical service specification of: Parker Drive Surgery and Manor Park Medical Centre which will inform the market of the Commissioner’s intentions to re-procure a service for a General Practice service at the practice. The aim of the service is to deliver essential, additional, and enhanced services to patients currently registered with the practice. It is proposed that the terms and conditions of the service, will reflect those contained in the Alternative Provider of Medical Services Contract (APMS). The main benefits and expected outcomes are: Equity of access and quality of the service across Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland. Ensuring value for money and the most efficient use of available resources across the health and social care economy. Promoting and ensuring a positive patient experience. Aligning services to deliver the Long Term Plan (LTP) and local place based plans. NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland ICB (LLR ICB) are committed to delivering high quality patient health care to the Patients of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, in line with the NHS Five Year Forward View, Integrated Care System Partnership working, the NHS Long Term Plan and intelligence around the needs of the local population. Please find the draft service specification for your feedback and to register your Expression of Interest (EOI) and or provide feedback/complete the engagement questionnaire please visit the Midlands and Lancashire Bravo e-tendering portal: Bravo reference pqq 515. Service specification comments required and EOI. Please find the draft service specification: For your feedback. - To register your Expression of Interest (EOI) and or provide feedback/complete the engagement questionnaire please visit the Midlands and Lancashire Bravo e-tendering portal: Bravo reference pqq 515. Service specification comments required and EOI The closing date for EOIs and feedback is 13:00 hours on Friday 19th August 2022. A separate advert will be placed as an opportunity notice and when the ICB go out to procurement for this service. Participation or not in this EOI exercise neither commits or precludes interested parties from bidding when the eventual procurement is launched. It should be noted that this is not a procurement exercise at this stage and participating organisations are responsible for their own costs. “Light Touch Regime” services This procurement is for clinical services which are Light Touch Regime services for the purpose of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 as specified in Schedule 3 of the Regulations (“Regulations”). Accordingly, the contracting authorities are only bound by those parts of the Regulations detailed in Chapter 3 Particular Procurement Regimes Section 7. The contracting authorities are not voluntarily following any other part of the Regulations. Lot 1: The main benefits and expected outcomes are: Equity of access and quality of the service across Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Ensuring value for money and the most efficient use of available resources across the health and social care economy Promoting and ensuring a positive patient experience Aligning services to deliver the Long Term Plan (LTP) and local place based plans. NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland ICB (LLR ICB) are committed to delivering high quality patient health care to the Patients of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, in line with the NHS Five Year Forward View, Integrated Care System Partnership working, the NHS Long Term Plan and intelligence around the needs of the local population It should be noted that this is not a procurement exercise at this stage and participating organisations are responsible for their own costs. To register your Expression of Interest (EOI) and or provide feedback/complete the engagement questionnaire please visit the Midlands and Lancashire Bravo e-tendering portal: The service will be commissioned via an open procurement process advertised to all providers which is proportionate to the value and complexity of the service and contract. The ITT will also be advertised on Contracts Finder and the Find a Tender service, and on MLCSUs’ procurement portal, Bravo/Jaggaer, which will be utilised for the tender. Therefore, we recommend that you register with both of these websites in the meantime at: Additional information: To register on the Bravo portal If your organisation has registered previously, you do not need to re-register. 1) Register on the portal webpage at (registration and use of the website is free of charge).


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3 years ago

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