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Early Market Engagement - Learning Disability Supported Living Accommodation in the preferred areas of Antrim, Randalstown, Mid-Ulster (Toome, Magherafelt) and Ballymena but the Trust will consider other areas as secondary options.



This is a Prior Information Notice (PIN) by way of an Early Market Engagement scoping for the NHSCT to ascertain potential current capacity and potential future capacity in the market for the provision of a bespoke single occupancy Learning Disability Supported Living Accommodation for a Service User with complex behaviours in the preferred areas of Antrim, Randalstown, Mid-Ulster (Toome, Magherafelt) and Ballymena but the Trust will consider other areas as secondary options. Lot 1: This is a PIN by the NHSCT for an Early Market Engagement (NOT a Call for Tender) to ascertain potential current capacity in the market AND potential future capacity for the provision of bespoke single occupancy Learning Disability Supported Living Accommodation for a complex service user who presents with challenging behaviour. Given complexity, care must be provided in a 24/7 bespoke facility with anticipated 1:1 staffing. Accommodation in the preferred areas of Antrim, Randalstown, Mid-Ulster (Toome, Magherafelt) and Ballymena but the Trust will consider other areas as secondary options. The NHSCT is announcing this PIN as it wishes to meet and discuss current and future capacity with potential providers interested in the delivery of the service. Further more specific details on this service would be provided at these meetings. Additional information: This is not a Call for Tender and there is no guarantee any procurement process will be run. Any interest shown does not constitute a commitment to participate in a procurement exercise. Failure to show interest does not restrict providers from participating in any future procurement exercise. This notice has been placed for advertising purposes only. Any procurement exercise will be conducted in accordance with the information contained in any final published tender documentation.


Publish date

7 days ago

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Northern Health and Social Care Trust


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