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Specialist Stop Smoking Support Outreach Service



860,794 GBP


Gloucestershire County Council is looking to deliver a specialist outreach project to support stopping smoking across the region. The contract will run from 21st June 2025 – 31st May 2027 with the option to extend the term for a period of not more than one-year and ten-months at the end of the initial contract period. Below is a brief description of the scope of the contract: The aim of the Service is to provide targeted, bespoke tobacco dependency support, with a focus on specific cohorts where smoking prevalence is high but engagement with the community service is low. This may include not limited to, those who are homeless, living in temporary accommodation or permanent social housing, and those with substance misuse issues (see table A in the appendix). The Service will create strong partnerships with the existing healthy lifestyle provider and community groups and organisations who already work and have relationships with these individuals. This will allow the ability to assess need and motivation, and the flexibility to take stop smoking services into communities and settings and deliver them in a bespoke manner based on identified needs and preferences. Service users’ and stakeholders’ experiences of the Service are paramount to its successful implementation and its role as a system enabler. The Provider will proactively gather feedback and use it to adapt and improve. All interventions will comply with relevant guidance, quality standards and technology appraisals published by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellent and other professional bodies, as well as relevant national and local policy guidance (including updates and replacements). Summary List of the Scope Requirements is as follows: The Service will provide accessible information and support services for those aged 12 and over, focusing on supporting people to stop smoking. In brief, the new Specialist Stop Smoking Outreach Service will provide: 1. Targeted and bespoke stop smoking behavioural interventions for anyone within identified population groups who wishes to stop smoking. 2. Stakeholder and community engagement to form strong partnerships with those who have existing contact and relationships with target population groups. 3. Extensive outreach provision, i.e. taking support into the community and using venues and settings that are already being accessed by the targeted cohorts. 4. Information and resources about stop smoking including advice and signposting to further sources of support, such as finance or housing support. 5. Behaviour changes coaching using evidence-based practice and local insights research to best meet the needs of the service users. 6. Access to pharmacotherapy for anyone wishing to quit. 7. Support to the current Healthy Lifestyles Service to work with smokers who have been referred to the service if and when capacity allows and is appropriate. 8. Employ a comprehensive Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to support effective case management, service monitoring, evaluation and improvement. 9. Provide flexible person-centred support proportionate to a Service Users need. The aim is to ensure that those who experience the biggest barriers to quitting smoking receive the additional support they need. Out of Scope The following is outside of the scope of this Service: 1. Support to anyone under the age of 12. 2. Support with other lifestyle behaviours. 3. Support to stop vaping. 4. Payment for all pharmacotherapies provided by the Commissioner. Lot 1: Specialist Stop Smoking Support Outreach Service


Publish date

4 months ago

Buyer information

Gloucestershire County Council

Mr David Scott

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