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Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS)



Gloucestershire City Council is looking to procure for a one provider multi lots framework agreement and would like to invite interested tenderers to attend a market engagement event via teams, where details of the procurement process, indicative dates and requirement details will be presented. The market engagement will be held on Wednesday 2nd October 2024 at 11:30am to1pm. If you are interested in attending, please send your details and details of all attendees (email address & full names) to Kate Richardson ( and or Henrietta Jacobs ( and a teams invite will be sent. The proposal is for tenderers to submit a single tender response covering all lots (A-E) because all lots will be awarded to one provider after evaluation in line with the published criteria. Below is a short description of each lot. Lot A - Core support for victims which may include overall service management and the main front door for the service, support victims/survivors across a spectrum of risk, support to the multi-agency response to domestic abuse, prevention & early intervention work, entry level & basic domestic abuse training to professionals, awareness raising, co-location of staff with other specialist services and a protected characteristic champions approach. Lot B – Support in safe accommodation which may include support to access safe accommodation, direct support within specified safe accommodation, referrals to other support for victims in safe accommodation, management of a flexible funding pot, co-located workers within the registered provider sector and upskilling/training for workers in the registered provider sector. Lot C – Support in the Health System which may include: Health Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVA) co-located within hospital settings or other health settings, other direct support for victims within health settings, General Practice Development Workers (upskilling staff within primary care) and wider upskilling of staff within the health system. Lot D – Support in the Courts and Criminal Justice System, which may include: Response IDVAs working with the police, IDVA support within the court system, advocacy within the family courts and specialist training to litigants in person Lot E – Training, awareness raising and engagement, which may include: training for professionals both entry level and more advanced training for front line professionals, coordination of networks and community awareness raising. Lot A: Lot A - Core support Lot A - Core support for victims which may include overall service management and the main front door for the service, support victims/survivors across a spectrum of risk, support to the multi-agency response to domestic abuse, prevention & early intervention work, entry level & basic domestic abuse training to professionals, awareness raising, co-location of staff with other specialist services and a protected characteristic champions approach. Gloucestershire City Council is looking to procure for a one provider multi lots framework agreement and would like to invite interested tenderers to attend a market engagement event via teams, where details of the procurement process, indicative dates and requirement details will be presented. The market engagement will be held on Wednesday 2nd October 2024 at 11:30am to1pm. If you are interested in attending, please send your details and details of all attendees (email address & full names) to Kate Richardson ( and or Henrietta Jacobs ( and a teams invite will be sent. Lot B: Lot B – Support in safe accommodation Lot B – Support in safe accommodation which may include support to access safe accommodation, direct support within specified safe accommodation, referrals to other support for victims in safe accommodation, management of a flexible funding pot, co-located workers within the registered provider sector and upskilling/training for workers in the registered provider sector. Gloucestershire City Council is looking to procure for a one provider multi lots framework agreement and would like to invite interested tenderers to attend a market engagement event via teams, where details of the procurement process, indicative dates and requirement details will be presented. The market engagement will be held on Wednesday 2nd October 2024 at 11:30am to1pm. If you are interested in attending, please send your details and details of all attendees (email address & full names) to Kate Richardson ( and or Henrietta Jacobs ( and a teams invite will be sent. Lot C: Lot C – Support in the Health System Lot C – Support in the Health System which may include: Health Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVA) co-located within hospital settings or other health settings, other direct support for victims within health settings, General Practice Development Workers (upskilling staff within primary care) and wider upskilling of staff within the health system. Gloucestershire City Council is looking to procure for a one provider multi lots framework agreement and would like to invite interested tenderers to attend a market engagement event via teams, where details of the procurement process, indicative dates and requirement details will be presented. The market engagement will be held on Wednesday 2nd October 2024 at 11:30am to1pm. If you are interested in attending, please send your details and details of all attendees (email address & full names) to Kate Richardson ( and or Henrietta Jacobs ( and a teams invite will be sent. Lot D: Lot D – Support in the Courts and Criminal Justice System. Lot D – Support in the Courts and Criminal Justice System, which may include: Response IDVAs working with the police, IDVA support within the court system, advocacy within the family courts and specialist training to litigants in person. Gloucestershire City Council is looking to procure for a one provider multi lots framework agreement and would like to invite interested tenderers to attend a market engagement event via teams, where details of the procurement process, indicative dates and requirement details will be presented. The market engagement will be held on Wednesday 2nd October 2024 at 11:30am to1pm. If you are interested in attending, please send your details and details of all attendees (email address & full names) to Kate Richardson ( and or Henrietta Jacobs ( and a teams invite will be sent. Lot E: Lot E – Training, awareness raising and engagement. Lot E – Training, awareness raising and engagement, which may include: training for professionals both entry level and more advanced training for front line professionals, coordination of networks and community awareness raising. Gloucestershire City Council is looking to procure for a one provider multi lots framework agreement and would like to invite interested tenderers to attend a market engagement event via teams, where details of the procurement process, indicative dates and requirement details will be presented. The market engagement will be held on Wednesday 2nd October 2024 at 11:30am to1pm. If you are interested in attending, please send your details and details of all attendees (email address & full names) to Kate Richardson ( and or Henrietta Jacobs ( and a teams invite will be sent.


Publish date

7 months ago

Buyer information

Gloucestershire County Council

Mrs Henrietta Jacobs

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