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Community and Accommodation Based Support Services (CABS) Market engagement



Gloucestershire County Council are seeking to engage with the market around the development of a new multi purchaser, multi provider framework for the delivery of Community and Accommodation Based Support Services. The events will cover the Council's commissioning intentions for the next stage of Community and Accommodation Based (CABS) Services as well as an opportunity to feedback your views as a system. CABS services consist of: Community Based Support (CBS) delivering short term early intervention and prevention support in an individual's own home or via community drop in to help them develop the skills and resources to become self-reliant, resilient and to live independently in the long term. Accommodation Based Support (ABS) is commissioned to deliver on-site support to homeless individuals who have a range of complex needs e.g. substance misuse, mental health and contact with the criminal justice system helping individuals to develop the living skills to enable them to move on to live independently in the community. The short term support is delivered in accommodation, sourced by the Provider. Please note: These services do not include support for physical or personal care. Two dates are scheduled, 25th June 2024 Time: 10:00 - 12:00 9th July 2024 Time: 14:00 - 16:00. Please email to register.


Publish date

10 months ago

Buyer information

Gloucestershire County Council

Loveness Chitiyo

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