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Refresh of WCVA’s Practitioners’ Manual for Public Engagement



Redford Research


Ten years ago, the National Principles for Public Engagement in Wales were created to help organisations carry out consistent and effective public engagement. These principles were created alongside a suite of supporting guidance and resources, outlined below, and hosted on WCVA’s website, including the Practitioners’ Manual for Public Engagement. The principles are currently being refreshed to reflect the new legislative and public services landscape.• National Principles for Public Engagement• National Principles for Public Engagement – poster• National Principles for Public Engagement – PowerPoint• National Principles for Public Engagement – easy read version• National Principles for Public Engagement – PowerPoint on easy read• National Principles for Public Engagement – Evaluation toolkit• National Principles for Public Engagement – checklist• Practitioners’ manual for public engagementPractitioners’ Manual for Public EngagementThe Practitioners’ Manual (see Appendix 1) was developed to support the implementation of the principles. The manual was produced by WCVA’s Participation Cymru, on behalf of the Welsh Government, in association with public sector practitioners. The Participation Cymru project ended in July 2018 but the manual along with other resources listed above have continued to be used and valued by practitioners, third and public sector organisations alike.However, the manual was produced in 2012 and needs updating to reflect legislative changes, good practice, and the current policy landscape. It would also benefit from a redesign to make it more accessible and user friendly.The updated manual will be hosted on Third Sector Support Wales’ Knowledge Hub – The Knowledge Hub gives voluntary organisations in Wales easy access to a range of online information, networking, and learning. Examples of similar resources can be found on the Knowledge Hub - work is being funded by Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) and commissioned by WCVA. It is part of a collaboration to update several resources with WCVA, Co-Production Network Wales, Future Generations Commissioner’s Office, Welsh Government, One Voice Wales and participation and engagement practitioners.WCVA will retain the rights for all material created by the supplier for use on this contract. The supplier will be credited in all materials that are reused.Deliverables• We are looking for individuals, consultants and/or organisations to refresh and update the Practitioners’ Manual for Public Engagement.• We are interested in your expertise and ideas of the content needed for updating this resource.• The supplier will have a comprehensive understanding of the legislative changes, good practice, and the current policy landscape to refresh and update the manual.• The manual will provide foundation level information that will address many frequently asked questions in an easy to access, simple and engaging format.• The updated manual should pull together information from multiple credible sources, signpost readers to sources of advice and support and be written for a range of audiences.• Content will be submitted as a Microsoft Word document. Welsh translation, branding and design of the manual will be the responsibility of WCVA. Suppliers will only be responsible for the content.• The supplier will be required to share/present a draft version of the resource with a group of stakeholders (organised by WCVA) before it is finalised.• The supplier will invoice WCVA is a timely manner, itemising each transaction and quoting the purchase order.


Award date

3 years ago

Publish date

3 years ago

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Wales Council for Voluntary Action

Sara Sellek

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