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National Nature Service Cymru - Pilot phase evaluation



Old Bell 3 Ltd (OB3 Research)


The National Nature Service for Wales is a country-wide movement for action to restore nature by creating good new jobs and livelihood opportunities in nature and embed green skills across the workforce of the future. A proposal to establish a National Nature Service for Wales was developed through a collaborative co-design process involving a wide range of people, organisations, and networks from all sectors. The original outline for the idea can be here. The proposal was submitted to Welsh Government which resulted in WCVA being awarded £166,598 of funding to deliver the pilot phase of the National Nature Service in Wales. Alongside WCVA named partners in the delivery of the pilot phase included Food, Farming and Countryside Commission (FFCC), and Bridgend County Borough Council. Bridgend County Borough Council were identified as a key partner regarding establishing the Valleys Regional Park (VRP) as an ‘early adopter’ acting as a demonstrator in the development of a business case. By the end of January 2023, the pilot phase of the project is expected to deliver to Welsh Government: A fully costed, detailed Business Plan for the proposed Valleys Regional Park Demonstrator of the National Nature Service. A written evaluative report of the pilot phase and the learnings from the whole collaborative process. An engagement plan communication and dissemination of the learning from the pilot Mae’r Gwasanaeth Natur Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Cymru yn ymgyrch drwy’r holl wlad i weithredu i adfer natur drwy greu cyfleoedd da am swyddi a bywoliaethau newydd ym myd natur ac ymwreiddio sgiliau gwyrdd ar draws gweithlu’r dyfodol. Datblygwyd cynnig i sefydlu Gwasanaeth Natur Cenedlaethol i Gymru drwy broses gydweithredol a gyd-gynlluniwyd ag amrediad eang o bobl, mudiadau a rhwydweithiau o bob sector. Gellir gweld amlinelliad gwreiddiol o’r syniad yma. Cyflwynwyd y cynnig i Lywodraeth Cymru ac, o ganlyniad, enillodd CGGC £166,598 o gyllid i gyflawni cyfnod peilot y Gwasanaeth Natur Cenedlaethol yng Nghymru. Ochr yn ochr ag CGGC, roedd partneriaid a enwyd yn y gwaith gyflawni’r cyfnod peilot yn cynnwys y Comisiwn Bwyd, Ffermio a Chefn Gwlad (FFCC) a Chyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr. Nodwyd Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr fel partneriaid allweddol o ran sefydlu Parc Rhanbarthol y Cymoedd (VRP) fel ‘mabwysiadwr cynnar’ a oedd yn gweithredu fel arddangoswr wrth ddatblygu achos busnes. Erbyn diwedd mis Ionawr 2023, disgwylir i gyfnod peilot y prosiect gyflwyno’r canlynol i Lywodraeth Cymru: Cynllun Busnes manwl, â chostau llawn, ar gyfer Arddangoswr arfaethedig Parc Rhanbarthol y Cymoedd y Gwasanaeth Natur Cenedlaethol. Adroddiad gwerthuso ysgrifenedig ar y cyfnod peilot a’r hyn a ddysgwyd o’r holl broses gydweithredol. Cynllun ymgysylltu sy’n cyfathrebu a rhannu’r hyn a ddysgwyd o’r cynllun peilot


Publish date

2 years ago

Award date

2 years ago

Buyer information

Wales Council for Voluntary Action

Sian Baker Maurice

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