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Jubilee2 Leisure Facility - Marketing Services



The Borough Council of Newcastle-under-Lyme's Leisure facility Jubilee2 needs to build upon the excellent recovery since the Covid-19 pandemic, maintain its position a premier leisure facility in the Borough, attract new audiences through innovation, improve customer retention, and enhance the overall commercial viability of services. The Council are therefore are looking to commission a digital marketing partner to meet the following objectives: a) Help to raise the profile of Jubilee2 as a leisure destination through digital channels, and increase engagement with, Jubilee2 online presence, maximise search engine optimisation help promote PR coverage and optimise content on the website via Juilee2's digital channels and paid advertising. b) Generate in-bound leads and enquiries (including lead generation from dedicated landing/promotional pages away from the Councils main website, transferring leads to the business development team at Jubilee2. c) To increase traffic to the Jubilee2 website, App, and online joining/booking platforms, encouraging customers to self-serve... d) To be able to demonstrate the impact of marketing activities and Pay per click advertising on Googles and face, demonstrating value for money for the Council., when bench marked against industry standards, along with undertaking a mystery shopper exercise once per year e) To evaluate the J2 App on an annual basis and undertake a redesign requirements through the Innovatise platform as required by the Council


Publish date

10 months ago

Close date

9 months ago

Buyer information

Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council

Andrew Arnott

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