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Provision of Adult Learning Services 2025



270,000 GBP


Cumbria Adult Learning is looking to develop a range of partnerships with subcontracted providers to help us: • Provide additional capacity in specific curriculum and geographic areas not covered by our own Adult Learning Centres • Specialist Provision (e.g. horticulture, STEM - science, logistics, technology, engineering, and mathematics, health and care) • Provision to support rural isolation • Specific target group - LDD, employability Cumbria Adult Learning are inviting submissions by training providers to deliver subcontracted provision to meet the gaps outlined in our rationale. This provision will consist of accredited skills qualifications which must be available for funding on the DfE Find a Learning Aim System - This contract is for the provision accredited qualifications in Cumbria. The contract will be for a period of 1 academic year from 1st August 2025 to 31st July 2026. Provision will be split into lots outlined in paragraph 1.4 of the Invitation to Tender documents. Providers can bid for whole geographic lots (Lot 1 or Lot 2), sub lots (A, B, C.....) or multiples of each. The total contract value will not exceed £270k over the 12-month period. Further details of the Contract and the Lots are included in the Invitation to Tender documents, available via The Chest. All clarifications regarding the tender documents must be directed via the messages area of the project dashboard. Any queries regarding using The Chest - please use the support available from the home page.


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Westmorland and Furness Council

Alison Henderson

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