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Framework and Services Agreement for the Provision of Community Choices Services in Westmorland and Furness



The Care Act 2014 requires Councils to provide services which enable a shift towards more personalised care and support. In providing services for Adults who meet Care Act eligibility criteria, the Council must have regard to the need to promote individuals’ well-being, including physical and mental health, emotional wellbeing, participation in work, education, recreation, and social and economic wellbeing The Act further identifies that high-quality, personalised care and support can only be achieved where there is a vibrant, responsive market of service providers. Duties are placed on councils to commission a diverse and sustainable range of care and support providers who continuously improve quality and choice, in order to meet the needs of people who need care and support. Community Choices (formerly day opportunities) play a key role in supporting disabled and older people to maintain and develop new skills, prevent social isolation, support inclusion and presence in their local communities and provide a break from caring and support for unpaid carers ensuring they can continue to offer ongoing support. Through feedback from service users, carers and stakeholders there is drive to move away from a predominantly building based day opportunities approach in favour of a broad scope incorporating assets which provide a range ‘community-based support’ choices including, but not limited to: • Building based opportunities for those with the most complex support needs • Short term enablement and skills development • Centres providing a base for multiple activities with in-reach and outreach to the local community • Education / training • Preparation for employment The focus of the Framework will be upon outcome-based support, with providers expected to both demonstrate innovative solutions to meet individual needs and clearly evidence how individual outcomes have been achieved. The Services have been divided into the following work packages (Lots): • Lot 1: Mental Health Recovery and Maintenance – Provision of individual and group support for those experiencing mental ill- health. • Lot 2: Dementia – Provision of specialist sessions for those living with dementia and provide respite for their carers and families. • Lot 3: Social and Community Connections – community/interest/needs based opportunities which may or may not be buildings based. • Lot 4: Preparation for Employment – services to identify an individual’s specific employment-related needs; provide bespoke employment-related training; work placements or supported internships with the ultimate aim of mainstream employment. Keywords: Choices, Day, Opportunities, Community


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Westmorland and Furness Council

Alyson Delin

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