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Prior information notice on market dialogue regarding Co2 Hub Copenhagen



Market dialogue regarding Co2 Hub Copenhagen. Lot 1: Evida Services A/S is the Danish national gas distribution company owned by the Ministry of Finance. Evida was founded in 2019 as a merger of 3 regional gas distribution companies. Evida operates, maintains, and constructs the network across the whole country as part of the critical infrastructure in Denmark. Evida transports methane and biomethane gas to the consumers for both heating purposes as well as industrial purposes and aims to be transporting 100% biomethane gas in 2029/2030. Based on the experience with constructing, operating and maintaining critical infrastructure Evida has found the potential CO2 transport market closely related to the core business and with a possible upside. That's why Evida is considering entering into a joint venture with a CO2 capture customer, and a CO2 storage provider being able to assume responsibility for the end2end value chain. As part of this joint venture Evida will commit itself to transport the first CO2 in December 2025, why the organizational ramp up, tender strategy and tender process must be initiated asap. This is the reason for this RFI process, which should provide Evida with sufficient knowledge about the best available technical solutions in the market and the best way to procure it. Additionally, the RFI process shall provide the suppliers with the needed insight of the project before the tender process actually starts in order to execute faster. oooOOOooo Evida is preparing tender material for a compressor station. Please see the file in the tender system via the permalink, where the dialogue material can be accessed. Evida expects to acquire the solution via an EU tender in accordance with the Utility Directive (Forsyningsvirksomhedsdirektivet). As part of the preparation, with this RFI (market research), Evida will obtain information about the market from the relevant companies. The incoming information will constitute significantly in relation to the organization of the overall tender process, just as the information will be concretely used in the preparation of the tender material. The supplier's answer to Evida's question must be submitted no later than 31 March at 10:00 AM Danish time via Mercell Evida hopes for your contribution. oooOOOooo The supplier must be able to participate in a dialog meeting about the solution in the period from Monday, 3 April 2023 to Wednesday, 5 April 2023 (both days included). oooOOOooo The meetings will take place at Evida's location in Viborg or via Microsoft Teams - depending on what Evida finds most appropriate. oooOOOooo If participation in a meeting is of interest, registration must be made no later than March 24, 2023 EOD to Ivan Smedegaard Meic on , including whether there is a specific day that is preferred for the dialogue meeting. The supplier is also asked to provide a contact person for subsequent dialogue. Lot 1: Evida Services A/S is the Danish national gas distribution company owned by the Ministry of Finance. Evida was founded in 2019 as a merger of 3 regional gas distribution companies. Evida operates, maintains, and constructs the network across the whole country as part of the critical infrastructure in Denmark. Evida transports methane and biomethane gas to the consumers for both heating purposes as well as industrial purposes and aims to be transporting 100% biomethane gas in 2029/2030. Based on the experience with constructing, operating and maintaining critical infrastructure Evida has found the potential CO2 transport market closely related to the core business and with a possible upside. That's why Evida is considering entering into a joint venture with a CO2 capture customer, and a CO2 storage provider being able to assume responsibility for the end2end value chain. As part of this joint venture Evida will commit itself to transport the first CO2 in December 2025, why the organizational ramp up, tender strategy and tender process must be initiated asap. This is the reason for this RFI process, which should provide Evida with sufficient knowledge about the best available technical solutions in the market and the best way to procure it. Additionally, the RFI process shall provide the suppliers with the needed insight of the project before the tender process actually starts in order to execute faster. oooOOOooo Evida is preparing tender material for a compressor station. Please see the file in the tender system via the permalink, where the dialogue material can be accessed. Evida expects to acquire the solution via an EU tender in accordance with the Utility Directive (Forsyningsvirksomhedsdirektivet). As part of the preparation, with this RFI (market research), Evida will obtain information about the market from the relevant companies. The incoming information will constitute significantly in relation to the organization of the overall tender process, just as the information will be concretely used in the preparation of the tender material. The supplier's answer to Evida's question must be submitted no later than 31 March at 10:00 AM Danish time via Mercell Evida hopes for your contribution. oooOOOooo The supplier must be able to participate in a dialog meeting about the solution in the period from Monday, 3 April 2023 to Wednesday, 5 April 2023 (both days included). oooOOOooo The meetings will take place at Evida's location in Viborg or via Microsoft Teams - depending on what Evida finds most appropriate. oooOOOooo If participation in a meeting is of interest, registration must be made no later than March 24, 2023 EOD to Ivan Smedegaard Meic on , including whether there is a specific day that is preferred for the dialogue meeting. The supplier is also asked to provide a contact person for subsequent dialogue.


Publish date

2 years ago

Buyer information

Evida Service A/S - STIN

Ivan Smedegaard Meic

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