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Framework Agreement for gas compressor packages



The Framework Agreement covers installation of a number of reverse-flow plants with compressors for moving upgraded biogas from the distribution grid into the 80 barg natural gas transmission grid in Denmark. The compressor packages will have different requirements to capacity range as well as pressure range. Basically, the units shall cover the capacity range from 5.000 Nm3/hr., to 15.000 Nm3/hr., with a min. inlet pressure of either 12, 23 or 35 barg and an approximate max. outlet pressure of either 60 or 80 barg. A larger unit is included, with a capacity of 30.000 Nm3/hr., at an inlet pressure of 23 barg and outlet of 80 barg. They shall be delivered as packaged units (skid mounted) units. In addition to the supply of compressor packages the scope also includes Service and Maintenance Agreement. For further details concerning the purchase, reference is made to the appendices to the tender documents. Lot 1: The Contracting Authority wants to establish a Framework Agreement for compressor supply to biogas projects in Denmark. The Framework Agreement covers installation of a number of reverse-flow plants with compressors for moving upgraded biogas from the distribution grid into the 80 barg natural gas transmission grid in Denmark. The compressor packages will have different requirements to capacity range as well as pres-sure range. Basically, the units shall cover the capacity range from 5.000 Nm3/hr., to 15.000 Nm3/hr., with a min. inlet pressure of either 12, 23 or 35 barg and an approximate max. outlet pressure of either 60 or 80 barg. A larger unit is included, with a capacity of 30.000 Nm3/hr., at an inlet pressure of 23 barg and outlet of 80 barg. The overview of the data of the compressor units can be found in Appendix 3: Schedule of Prices. The compressors shall be delivered as packaged units (skid mounted) units. In addition to the supply of compressor packages the scope also includes Service and Maintenance Agreement. The estimated consumption during the term of the framework agreement is expected to amount to 40 compressors in total. The estimated number of units is 4 of each compressor (ID 1, ID 2, ID 3a or ID 3b, ID 4, ID 5, ID 6, ID 7, ID 8 and ID 9). The framework agreement consists of an initial call-off of 8 compressors; two of each of the following: (ID 1, ID 2, ID 3a or ID 3b and ID 4). The initial call-off of 8 compressors will be awarded on the basis of the award of the framework agreement to the tenderer that achieves the highest score, cf. section 4.2. The 8 compressors might need to be delivered simultaneously. For further details concerning the purchase, reference is made to the appendices to the tender documents. The total purchase is made for a period of 4 years from the signing of the framework agreement with the option of an extension for 2x2 years. Orders under the framework agreement will be allocated directly to the supplier which, in the view of the Contracting Authority, has submitted the most economically advantageous tender, see section 4.1. With the exception of mandatory parts, the Tender Documents may undergo changes as part of the negotiation process. The below stated is explicitly identified as subject to negotiation which may lead to changes made by the Contracting Authority during negotiations: Price regulation: The price index is subject to negotiation, and the tenderer may give suggestions to price regulation.


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2 years ago

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